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Sophie Foster was currently peeling curdleroots in detention. How did she get in? 2 words.

Keefe. Sencen.

He had somehow managed to drag Sophie into his prank to slip a balding elixir into Dame Alina's lunch.

Lady Cadence wasn't watching them. She was out getting another batch of curdleroots for them to peel.

" Psstt. Foster! How would you like to ditch detention?" Keefe asked Sophie excitedly.

Sophie sighed. This would just earn them another detention.

But, he DID look adorable when he was excited.


Not happening . 

She was NOT developing feelings for Keefe Sencen.

Well, to late to stop that. She already had.

" Woah Foster you okay? Your emotions are spiking all over the place. Also, you coming or not?" Keefe asked.

" Fine. But if we get in detention again..." She said.

Keefe smirked and pulled her out the door.

"Come on I want to show you something. " Keefe whispered as he pulled out a clear crystal from his pocket. 

Sophie blushed thinking about how close they were standing.

Keefe created a path of light an they leaped away.

Sophie gasped when she was where they had landed up.

They had leaped to a gorgeous field of flowers.

They were scattered through out the entire field in every color of the rainbow and there were flowers as far as Sophie could see.

" Keefe... Wow. Just wow. This is gorgeous. How did you find this place?" Sophie asked , subconsciously twining her hand with Keefe's.

Keefe's face turned red.

" Um, well I sorta just came across this place in one of my dad's " trips".  He said.

 " Look Keefe. I need you to promise me something. Please don't hate me." Sophie whispered.

" Sophie, why would I do that? You're amazing, talented and beautiful and someone who would never like me, because Fitz is way better. Even if I've liked you, loved even, since the day I met you. You've understood me in a way no one else has before. I feel that I can be myself around you. No need to hide behind pranks and jokes. I feel like I can tell you anything. You still trusted and believed in me when no one else did when I ran away to join the Neverseen. You stayed with me even though I have a murderer for a mom and a dad who only cares about his reputation. What I'm trying to say is that I love you." Keefe turned scarlet when he realized what he had just said.

Sophie turned red too.

" I like you too Keefe. Maybe even love you. You're this amazing, talented, funny person that has always been there for me. I have liked you for a few years now.  I only didn't tell you because I thought you would reject me and -  " Sophie was interrupted by soft lips.

For a moment she was stunned. Then she kissed him back.

He tasted like fresh  - baked mallowmelt.

She tasted like berries and vanilla. 

She cupped his face and tilted her head to deepen the kiss. 

He ran his hand through her hair. 

She messed up his hair.

She pulled away after a few minutes.

She gazed into his ice blue eyes. 

 They were filled with so much love and admiration for her.

He gazed into her brown eyes.

Filled with so much love.

" Does that answer your question about how I would NEVER reject you?" Keefe asked kissing her cheek.

" Yes." Sophie mumbled.

He tucked a tulip into her hair which was an ombre of brown with gold flecks and ice blue.

She blushed while Keefe smirked.

His face softened.

" I love you Foster. Always have, always will."

" I love you too Keefe."

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