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A/N: Hello and Welcome!! A new chapter will be posted every other Monday!

Being back on a run-down bus wasn't new to the younger
Pines twins. Since their first summer in Gravity Falls, Oregon, Dipper and Mabel had returned every summer to visit the small town they grew to love.

As towering buildings turned into smaller houses and towns flew past the windows. Dipper lets out a reluctant sigh, trying his best to ignore sisters continuous and most likely off key humming. His brown hair messy becoming more tangled as he runs his fingers through, making sure it covers his birthmark.

Mabel however, had her hair done up in a high ponytail, much less tangled then her brother's. Bouncing in her seat with her headphones playing she turns and notices the some what blank/thinking expression her brother wore.

Rolling her eyes she taps Dippers elbow, startling him. "What is with that frown bro bro?" She questions, as he gave a shrug, which wasn't the response she had been looking for.

"Just-" Dipper paused, trying to thinkof the right word to use.

"Thinking? Debating? Wondering if Wendy is back from college?" His sister rambles off as he rolled his eyes at in response to the last bit.

"No." He declares , playfully smacking his sisters arm as she wiggles her eyebrows. "Wondering if Stan and Ford found anything new." his sisters eyes widen as she made a 'o' face.

Glancing out the window Mabel gave a overly dramatic gasp as the bus pulled into the stop. "Sign!" she yelled, pointing to the faded welcome sign. The words 'Gravity Falls, Oregon' was now a miss colored white on top of pealing and fading pine trees. Under the towns name five words stood out, cleaner and brighter then the towns name read the slogan 'Nothing to see here folks!'

Rolling his eyes as his suit case bumps down the bus stairs after him he gets a chance to look at it better. In the bottom right stood a rushed spray painted drawing of Bill Cipher, top hat and bow tie showing up more against the trees behind it. He scrunch's his nose, only now realizing Mabel was next to him, the bus already gone. It had been five years since the events of weirdmageddon, and so much has changed and hasn't.

Dipper jumps at the sound of screeching tires, as Mabel jumped up and down as a familiar 1965 El Diablo convertible pulled up to the stop, the drivers window down with Grunkle Stan at the wheel. "Kids!" He called, as Mabel let out a joy fulled scream, running up to hug the old man as he closed the door.

"Whoa Mabel! Give me a second before knocking me down would you?!" He chuckles, as he returns the hug.

Ford had also just exited the car, and went to help Dipper with the bags. He offered the teen an awkward smile. "Dipper! Figure out what you'll be doing during college?" Ford questions, straightening out the last suitcase full of knitting supplies. He still was unsure of how his grand niece continuously made her sweaters.

Dipper returned the smile and gave a shrug, fixing his now black jean vest. "Yeah but, that's a lot! I'll explain on the way?" He suggested, as Mabel hopped into one of the back seats. Ford nods, returning to the passenger side as Stan closes his door, leaving Dipper to be the last in the car.

Stan's eradication driving was not something Dipper and Mabel had missed, although as they talked amongst themselves Mabel quickly, shushed her brother as Stan's and Ford's voiced could be heard just almost over the blaring music.

"Stanley, I've already explained to you what they are! At this point we need to know how many there are. Not what." Ford responds, grumpily as they pull into the Shacks driveway.

Of Wings and Stars - Older!Dipper Pines x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now