Chapter 36- Goodbye

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I came back a few minutes ago, and honestly, that was one hell of a journey back to my home. I've never felt that way before. So painful and confusing at the same time. What I did is the right thing. I guess. I mean it mutually benefits both of us. It was an arrangement ship from the beginning, but then, I agree everything started changing, but I guess that is because I was too swayed by his charms.

But right now, one of us has to think maturely. With, the proposal coming in front and his exams, I think separation is a good idea.

I was sitting in my room thinking all about him. Thinking about what happened today. I felt pain in my chest every time I remembered his face. It was bruised but when I told him those things, his eyes showed how actually hurt he was. I have never seen him like that before. I cursed myself thinking, how typically I broke him. I reacted the way I should never have.

I really feel selfish at this time, but I don't have any option now. It's done. I've hurt him. To the extent that now, he'll hate me. Forever. Maybe this is for the betterment. I know it hurts me to the hell, even thinking of him hating me, not having him around and not touching him and kissing him like he's the one I've been waiting for. But it is for the best.


Maybe. I mean... it must be... It has to be.

I know I have said things I didn't mean. It was just my temper. And I was scared of losing everything that I've created so far. At this point, I don't think I was worried about the position more than I was worried about losing my tainted soul once again. He was always more than just a reckless affair for me and always will be. But I also do not know where this is going. I think I am in...


I huffed in frustration thinking about who it might be at this time. It was almost 7 in the evening and it was raining outside. The rains are not supposed to come before mid-April, but this year it was early. I guess this situation needs to be made more gloomy than usual. However, there was one per cent hope that Nina would show up, even though I know she won't. I messed up. A big time, and maybe I deserve this. All of this.

The pain and punishment.

Nonetheless, the debate I'm having in mind, I pulled myself up from the couch and walked towards the door. As I opened the door a bit hesitant and frown face, I was shocked to see

"Mr. Han?" I gasp.

What is he doing here? How did he know where do I stay? And why even is he here?

"Hi I am sorry to disturb you at this moment, but I was here, nearby due to some work and my car broke down." He said with a cheeky smile, which is normally unusual of him. I have met him before, but I have never seen him smiling like that. Well maybe some professional small twitching smirk, that its. But this... this is a whole smile he has there. I wonder why?

"I knew you stay around here somewhere... So, I just thought I'd say hi and maybe... ask for a place to stay for a while... Hope you don't mind." He completed politely.

Why didn't you find any hotels?

But I couldn't voice my frustration. It isn't polite and definitely not with Mr. Han. He is our biggest investor and I don't want to ruin my work, due to some personal issues.

"Um sure...Please, come in." I let him in with a forced smile. No matter how much I try to show I am okay, deep down I was not. It was killing me.

"Wow... you have a nice place" He complimented as he walked inside looking around.

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