Haunted thoughts

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Flashes of buried memories play before my vision while I whisper curses at myself.
A dirty bedroom, with a filthy thin mattress on the floor between stones and soil. Coughing resonates through the room, sweat and dust cling to my face. Rosie creeps closer out of her corner to wipe my forehead. I shiver, my vision blurs.

'Stay with me, Sky.' She worries.

I cough into my hand, a sticky substance spreads over my hand. With a glance, I confirm what I already thought, blood. Rosie wipes it off my hand before she crawls back into her corner. Wind flows through the room, the door opens, and light floods in blinding us. A shadow curses at Rosie, dragging her out of the room before slamming the door shut. My arms wrapped around me, slowly rocking myself for comfort. My fingers tap my shoulder in a harmonious manner, that heartbeat... that scent. I clench my mouth and shake my head to break free of my trance.

'No time to dwell now, I gotta stay focussed. This is important and I will not screw my chances.' I whisper. I take a deep breath and release it a couple of seconds later. 'Nu trebuie sa vorbim..' (We don't have to talk) echoes in my head. My eyes wander from the forest to the cottage, to the room I was in minutes ago. The tall dark silhouette glances at me from the room, a serious yet cold expression etched on his face.

I turn my head, staring in front of me, ignoring his burning eyes that inspect me from a distance. I hear the creaking of the cottage door, a quick pace, and the bickering whispers of Mark and Ian coming my way. A moment later, the door opens and they get in. Silence.

Mark starts the car and drives towards the cliffs. My eyes wander to the cottage, At the window stands that one man, who I hoped to be my escape yet turned out to be a curse without remorse. A life lesson I wouldn't soon forget, yet a love I would never regret.'dar aș prefera să facem.'(but I would prefer if we did) resonates in my head just before I lose my vision of the cottage.

 The waves of the sea around the cliff roam wild around it, Overflowing the stones below. The  car is speeding to the cliff's edge, the wind catches up with us, warning us of the steep fall ahead, yet the car isn't listening. A broad vision of the sea and its luminous horizon. The front wheels cave over the rift.

mansiones sint ante, sed viam esse oportet. obsecro ut appareas coram te. (abodes may be ahead, yet road there must be. please appear before thee.) Mark chants, his eyes shift from blue to a bright yellow. A purple aura opens in front of the car, supporting the front wheels before we drive into the darkness.

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