Chapter 3

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It's entirely too weird that I've spent nearly an hour and a half thinking about what Sam and I should do while we're 'hanging out'. I mean I'm not even sure why I'm making such a big deal out of it. It's not a date. We're hanging out, as friends. Is Sam really my friend? Should I consider him that? I'm not sure. I'm laughing at myself because I'm sort of flipping shit in my head right now.

I'm in free period right now but since I have two free periods in a row I normally do some studying in the library during my first free period and then if I had a car, or when I do I'll just leave after my first free period. Because let's be honest, if I go home I will not do any of the work I need to do. The great thing about free periods is you can use the time to catch up.

I started to pack my books back into my bag, before the bell rings I want to make my way back down to Sam's class. This way we can just walk straight out of school.

I slowly made my way down the hallway, toward Sam's classroom. I didn't want to be too early, so I took my time. About halfway there the bell rings and I pick up the pace a bit. When I reach the classroom that I had dropped Sam off at about an hour and a half ago he was standing outside, leaning against the wall. He noticed me approaching him and a smile played upon his lips.

"Anna," he says, his smile growing bigger.

"Hey," I return the smile.

"Um... Well I guess we should get out of here?" He asks, his voice seeming unsure.


We walked fairly close to each other. I found it a bit comforting. The wind was pretty strong and it knocked my folder out of my hand. "Fucker," I said breaking the silence. Sam laughed at my vulgar language and ran after the folder. After retrieving it he ran back to where I was standing. "You use quite a bit of vulgar language," he said handing me the folder. "I know, I can't help it." I reply, covering my mouth with my hand as we both laugh.

We're getting closer to the car and Sam presses the button to unlock it. I reach my hand out to open the door, but before I can Sam stops me. "Allow me my lady," he bows as he opens the door. I chuckle as I climb in. He shuts the door behind me and runs over to the drivers side. "So where exactly are we going," I question, looking over at him. "I guess we can go chill at my house or if you're not comfortable with that then we can go to the park or something" he says keeping his eyes on the road. "No, your house it fine."

He pulls into the driveway of a big beautiful house. He steps out of the car as I unbuckle my seatbelt. Sam comes around my side and opens the door for me. I smile and jump out, still admiring his house. I follow behind Sam as we walk into the house. It's even more beautiful inside. "This house is beautiful," I gape. "You make me look like a hobo," I giggle. "Thank you, thank you," he bows his head and we both laugh. "But in all seriousness, creds to my mom, she works her ass off for everything we have," I smile at the kind words he speaks of his mother.

A woman with blackish hair comes around the corner. I assume it's his mom. "Well it's good to know you realize how hard I work," she says, answering my prior thoughts. "I see you have a girl friend already." She says looking over at him. "She's not my girlfriend, mom."

"Oh well I just assumed, knowing your history." She says in a lower voice. Silence grows through the room as they look at each other. 'History' I wonder what she meant by that.

"Hi, I'm Anna, Sam's friend." I say trying to break the awkward silence were standing in.

"Hello Anna, I'm Lori Wilkinson," she plasters a smile on her face.

"Hi Mrs. Wilkinson, how are you?"

"Oh no sweetie, please call me Lori, or mama wilk," we both laugh in sync.

"Will you two be going upstairs," she asks and I look over to Sam, in search of an answer.

"No, well just go down in the den," he says.

"Ok, I would suggest going up to your room to get some blankets, it's a bit cold down there,"

"Alright," Sam says as he begins walking up the long stair case with me following behind him.

"Hey," she stops us. "I'll bring down a few snacks, ok?"

"Cool, thanks ma," he nods.

After finishing up the steps we walk into a darkish blue room. I assume this is Sam's. He grabs a few blankets and pillows. I'm assuming I was giving him a worried look because he says "don't worry I'll keep my hands to myself," we both laugh and I walk down the steps in front of him. I wait for him to pass me so he can show me the way to the basement.

There's even more steps on this one then the way up. After we reach the bottom I let out a breath. "I know, there's quite a bit of em'," he laughs at me.

He lays the blankets out on the floor. There's about three couches we could sit on but I guess he likes the floor. He throws the pillows on the ground and when he's finished he looks up at me.

"My mom is probably finishing up snacks now, I'm sure she'll bring drinks. Probably smoothies, I love them." He says with a friendly smile.

Moments later his mom comes down the long flight of stairs carrying a bunch of different snacks and two smoothies.

"Told you," he chuckles.

"I hope you like strawberry banana smoothies, I know he does." She says looking at me.

"Of course, thank you so much, Mrs. Wilk," I pause. "Lori -" I correct myself.

She shoots me a sweet smile before setting the snacks down and making her way back up the steps.

"She's quite the party host," he smiles and carries the snacks over to the little seating area he made on the floor.

He grabs another blanket from a closet down in the basement. "I hope it's cool that we share a blanket," he says.

"Yeah of course, as long as you keep your hands to yourself," I giggle taking a seat on the little bed area.

He raises his hands in surrender and laughs along with me. Sam sits beside me, placing the blanket over the both of us.

"What do you want to watch? I have an Apple TV also so we could watch like YouTube videos if you want also," he says.

"We could watch something on Netflix?" I suggest.

"Oh yeah, of course, I don't have Netflix but I could go get my credit card and buy it real quick," he says quickly.

I laugh at how fast he's talking. "No it's fine, we can use mine." I stand up and find a piece of paper and a pen.

"Can I use this?" I ask him. He nods in approval. I write down my Netflix email and password for him so I don't have to spell it out.

"Here you go," I smile. "Just sign in with that stuff," I sit back down next to him.

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