Chapter 4 - Reach out

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Once Dice closed the bathroom door the Devil let out a sigh, this was a lot like, a lot a lot. These were children, mortal children. Children that could potentially....the devil shakes the thought from his head

I shouldn't think like that, they're only small, I think...

It just dawned on him that he hadn't actually seen them, carefully he leaned over the edge of the a slight distance. He doesn't want to scare the poor creatures. Considering their circumstances they've probably never seen anything like him.

The devil had a couple of ideas of what they might be like but he didn't imagine how small they'd be. He thought that one might be bigger than the other, or they were both insanely large due to how massive the crib was but no, they were both small, smaller than some of the imps even.

The word fragile briefly popped into his head but shook it away. Trying to stay positive about the whole thing. But while he was thinking, he hadn't noticed a small hand reaching up out of the crib. His attention was only grasped when he heard a gurgling noise. Looking back, one of the children was reaching him?

This one had the red bendy straw, a far smaller nose and his head was wider and slightly bowl-like, assuming this one to be cuphead.

The devil gingerly leaned in closer not wanting to scare him. He's been known to have that effect, even when in some of his disguises he's used to the whole pointing and screaming thing, it's mainly kids who can see who he really is.

But this is different. There was no disguise that could confuse him, it was just him.

When he got closer and the infant got a good view of him, cuphead suddenly stopped his noise and movement, arms still raised and he went still.

The devil was holding his breath for deaf life, the room had gone deathly silent to the point where you couldn't even hear the rest of the cassino.

A pin dropped would be the equivalent of a atomic bomb going off.

It was the kids eyes that made the literal ruler of hell nervous, they were fucking huge and a bright red. There was nothing behind them he was just purely looking at him for no reason other than he was just there.

But cupheads vacant stare was instantly replaced with the sparkle of curiosity and danger, the little grabbing motions became more Intense and he was making even louder noises.

Other than being momentarily startled, the devil didn't know what to do. To any normal person they would probably pick the child up, but that didn't really apply to this supernatural being. Anything from the kid disintegrating to him just crying could happen.

So he made a compromise, yes a compromise with a literal infant.

The Devil would hold out his finger, just close enough for him to reach. And he'd see what would happen.

But the reaction was almost instantaneous. The infant latches on to his finger with a fierce grip, utterly delighted with himself to the point where his giggles turned into screeches of joy.

The devil's relief was instantaneously met with a strong sense of pride. But not the kind of pride he's used to. He's more familiar with the pride you get when tickstor falls right into your grasp, coughing their soul up in the process. But this, this is new a warm pride like a gentle candle flame instead of a raging bonfire.

The devil is absolutely blinded by his new found parental feelings, pickles up the child, holding him.

This was simultaneously the best and yet the worst idea.

Cuphead was having a fantastic time, look at the room he'd suddenly appeared in, there was someone new. And this new person was incredibly soft. The devil was having a terrible time solely for that last thing

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