Chapter 1 I Became Dream Sans

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Uag where am I there is a tree and a fireball with face no wait am I dream or nightmare from the color I guess dream just why I said I want to be a sans that has it easy but no make me the one that everyone uses for his aura and has trust issues worst than any other sans what is this I am getting his future memories but why so soon I am technically still a baby now that I have my memory I can't believe this not only forced God of distraction but also forced God of creation and the "bad guys" never knew of our pain as if being in the star sans was our opinion I mean fate and memory couldn't leave me and Ink alone I should think about this when I am older too much stress (5 years later a bit before the villagers arrive dream got close with nightmare they did everything together dream knew it wouldn't last but hopped they didn't drift apart)
Dream-say nighty if people arrive here do we sent them away or allow them to stay near the tree.
Nightmare-I believe that it would be alright to let them stay near as long as they don't threat us or the tree why do you ask
Dream-I felt people near earlier sorry for not telling you
Nightmare-it's ok I should have been more alert
(the villagers arrived)
Villager 1-hello guardians of feelings we wish to built a village near is it ok
Dream-I and my partner need to discuss about this after all you are a threat to the tree say nighty should they stay I think they are bad news
Nightmare-it's ok if they cause trouble we are strong enough to defend the tree and eachother
Dream-you strangers are allowed to built but coming near this tree is forgiven for your peaple
Villager2-thank you oh great guardians however which one of you is the guardian of positivity
Dreampov-just how more shameless can they be
Nightmare-my partner is the guardian of positivity while I am the guardian of negativety is there a reason you want to know
Villager2-no reason sir(after they left)
Dream-nighty I don't like them
Nightmare-I know I don't ether but we are supposed to help people
Dream-I know I just they give me a bad feeling I am a bit afraid
Nightmare-i am afraid too but we have each other
(2 years later they are 7 the villagers would try to invate dream at the village he would have no choice but to follow or they told him they would hurt nightmare they would try but only succeed a few times 8 years later they are 15 the villagers had become even more aggressive)
Nightmare-Dream what is our relationship
Dream-Hm.. I read a book about twin siblings I think we are brothers
Nightmare-what is a better way to describe us we used to call each other partners because we guard the same tree
Dream-Well I will call you brother from now on (Nightmare then leans in and kisses dream he blushs bright yellow)
Nightmare-call me brother all you want but I will never see you as one I hope you understand what I mean and stop being so oblvious
Dreampov-he did this in my memories as well but what did he mean maybe I will find out later
(53 years later they are 68 the day the apple incident happens)
Dreampov-why how could I forget I can't change the original plot I thought while I saw nightmares corruption I couldn't stop it this time as well I am becoming stone aren't I will have to sleep for 500 years again I hope nighty is OK without me) nightmare would visit dream as much as he could apologising each time and tell him about the multiverse dream while still being a stone was capable of hearing everything he had also discover that his infinity invitory though he is still incapable of cutting the strings of any deitys "500 years later"
Ink-is this nightmare's au I finally got in he had block me out is that a statue he must be the guardian of positivity I have decided I am taking him with me so that I can make him normal again
Dreampov-finally he arrived 500 years were so much worse this time but I really missed him I hope I can be more of a help this time(Ink freed Dream of the stone prison and he started to wake up)
Ink-hello I am Ink protector and creator of the aus are you Dream?
Dream-Yes I am Dream guardian of positivity and protector of half of the balance of feelings it's a pleasure to meet you Ink thank you for freeing me but Nightmare will probably chase you
Ink-I know but I didn't have a choice
Dreampov-yea I know fate wanted you to have someone on your side because Nightmare helps Error and she wants me to help Ink to make it more enterteing
Dream-I know a deity forced you because they were bored
Ink-a deity and voices wanted me to have a team and they gave me hints towerds you I am sorry it's my fault that you got involved in this
Dream-I will help you
Ink-why you will become enemies with Nightmare
Dream-I know but I also know that no higher being gives up easy eather also this isn't your fault so please don't blame yourself
Ink-thank you so much Dream. (tears up)
Dream-it's alright. (meanwhile with nightmare and his team)
Nightmarepov-this is dream's magic he must have broken free
Error-nightmare what was that?
Nightmare-that was dream guardian of positivity he must have broken free from the stone prison I accidentally put him while in my curroption.
Error-i see you never talked about him how is he?
Nightmare-he is kind, caring, selfless, generous, warm as the sun(they all look shocked at how much it seems nightmare loves dream) though we will be in opposite sides since ink is the one that broke him free
Killer-say boss are you in love with dream?
Nightmare-yes I am but he is so damm oblivious at the fact I love him romanticly he thought that i loved him like a brother and he started calling me one as well(they all laugh) it's not funny
Dust-it kinda is boss(back with dream and ink at the doudelspri 3months later)
Dream-say ink can I leave with you
Ink-yes of course this gave me an idea I will make a base about our duo and possibly future members (starts exiting designing the base)
Dreampov-new members blue and lust betray us in the future I mean seriously lust has a excuse about how messed up his au is blue on the other hand has a peacefully life sure carrot doesn't like how long he leaves the au and with good reason I mean he has been kidnapped 15 times by different aus he has a right to not want to be involved in such madness now I need to think of sans aus that won't betray us if they are in our side cross isn't part of the bad guys yet and he was always sympathetic with us and we were secret friends outer, farm, dance and red they were loyal friends and sympathetic towards the bad guys but didn't betray our trust I should tell ink about having them as secret members so that blue and lust don't know about them I whould have chosen classic but just like carrot he dislikes the multiverse and it's problems
Ink-dream I finished what do you think (says shyly)
Dream-it's beautiful ink you are amazing(ink blushs from embarrassment)
Ink-it's nothing that great
Dream-don't be humble ink this is the most awesome base to ever exist you need to be more confident in your skills you are a true artist(ink cries)
Why are crying ink I am sorry did I hurt you?
Ink-no you didn't hurt me it's just that no one except error has ever complemented me
Dream-it's OK ink every one needs to hear that they did great once in a while so that they don't feel insicure about themselves so who is error
Ink-he is the guy fate wants me to fight he is the destroyer and I care about him a lot he always tells me the truth and he likes outertale a lot he knits and I always have to fight him because fate punishes both of us if we don't though I know what she does to him he doesn't know what she does to me I just want to hug him and tell him sorry. (dream hugs him)
Dream-its OK to feel ink and in the end everything will turn out fine I will make sure of it for now we will just have to do our job and I have a lot of work to do since the balance is leaning to much on negativity and I need to make sure it becomes balanced again for now I will be going around the multiverse to fix it now ink take this rainbow bracelet it will teleport you to me no matter the place in the multiverse you are so if you are lonely, in danger or need me just say star sans and you will appear right next to me I have a gold one that will bring me next to you where ever I feel lonely or am hurt hey ink let's promise each other to never betray each others trust and to always keep us safe
Ink-I promise (feels a 27 aus being destroyed and kneels over from the pain)
Dream-are you ok ink why are you hurting
Ink-I am fine this happens when error or the bad guys destroy more than 10 aus at the same time
Dream-(thinks of something and gets out 7 big boxs full of milk chocolates sun/moon/heart/flower shaped) take those ink those are chocolates I made give each member of the bad guys including error a box of chocolates and keep 1 for yourself and the other one to a person of your choice
Ink-they won't accept dream
Dream-also give nightmare and error those letters with his box as well just tell him that you won't fight this time and that dream told me to give you all something they won't attack for a while so after you give them this say <dream sends his regards nightmare>
and leave fast right after
Ink-alright I can do that don't worry dream I will deliver those safety
Dream-OK but stay safe I know how reckless you are
Ink-I always stay safe don't worry so much mum(opes postal and hops away)
Dream-hey and he is gone I hope everything will work out in the end for now I should try and fix my part of the balence

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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