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"Welcome back students to greenfield medical school."

People always say first days back at school are the best. Meeting new friends, getting new and exciting classes, having new teachers to communicate with, and I couldn't agree more.

Although this was a completely new start, I was excited. Excited to get my shit together and be the greatest doctor there ever was. Ok maybe not the greatest, I could never live up to Edward Jenner or Alexander Fleming, but I aspire to be a close second. And for being a female people under estimate me.

I hate that.

I hate that so much

Shaking off the thought, I make my way down the busy halls, snaking my way through students who knew where they were going. Seeing the big doors down the hallway, I knew that's were I needed to be.


I walk down the corridor with the flow of students and before I know it I'm in the auditorium. I walk through the chairs and people as I find myself a good seat.

"Sorry. Excuse me- pardon me, Sorry."

Not too long after I sit down and the lights in the room begin to dim.

"A very warm welcome to each and every one of you. Distinguished principal, respected staff and teachers, and my dear fellow students welcome back to Greenfield medical school!"

The silence in the room is quickly disturbed by spreading applause. I join in, with an unfeigned smile visible on my face. Stretching from ear to ear.

"At last, this beautiful day has arrived. I am sure you all have been eagerly waiting for this day. The fact that not all of us love coming to school is not surprising. Catching up with your friends and/or meeting your favorite teacher are just a couple of reasons, we can not avoid coming back to school. Anyway, before going any further, I am delighted to thank the presence of the personality that hardly needs any introduction. It is none other than Dr. Charles Margot Edwards, the director and principal of Greenfield. Besides, I am also honored to be thanking the hard work, patience, and perseverance of our dear teachers without whom we would not have been here."

I can't believe that I'm in the same room as Dr. Edwards. Everyone starts clapping as he walks onto the stage. He gets to the podium and a bright spotlight is shown onto him. The sound of claps and cheers die down and he begins to speak.

"It is, indeed, a great pleasure seeing you all gathered here for the morning assembly after what feels like a light-year. Without taking much of your time, I want to mention a lesson that personally inspires me to do and achieve more despite failing a hundred times.Your limitation- it is only your imagination.
Thus, let us start our new year at school with hopes and dreams that no matter how limited we might be, we will do our best to achieve what we call dreams. Also, it is something magical about success. If I asked you to name the first man who walked on the moon. I am pretty hopeful that I will get a bunch of answers.

However, if I asked you who was the second person, I barely hope that I will get any answers. Because, traditionally, we do not value the second or third positions as much as we should. After all, it is not only the first person who deserves fame, a name, and a notable status. Whether you believe it or not, each and everyone deserves it because we all work hard and give our best.

However, at the end of the day, what matters most is where do you stand relative to your yesterday, not your school fellow who probably performed better than you. Additionally, those who have invested their best but they were not able to manage a victory, keep working hard because hard work pays off."

As Dr. Edward finishes his speech, I can't help but think about Greyson. We're always trying to see who can get a better grade on what. Academic rivals, if you will. I wonder where he's going to pursue his dreams and profession.

The sound of loud cheering and thunderous claps fill the room once again and I feel myself involuntarily join in. Dr. Edwards does know how to give a good speech.

The rest of the day goes by relatively smoothly with more speeches and introductions to classes. Once I leave the auditorium I get handed a schedule and a little clipboard as a little orientation gift.

Next it's going to be my white coat.

I nearly explode at the thought of getting a white coat. That seems like a dream too great to become a reality, but here I am standing in the greatest medical school in North America. Some of the greatest doctors and pharmacists came here.

Exhibit A: My mom. Ok she may not be the greatest in the world or even the greatest in America. I just know she's damn good at what she does. She's my role model and I aspire to be just like her.

Exhibit B: Dr. Alicia Roberts. One of the best neurosurgeons in Boston. She performed 6 consecutive Craniotomies in record time. How they were able to find 6 patients in need of a craniotomy, I have no idea.

As I'm walking through the school, getting a sense of everything around me, I pass a group of students. I decide to walk over to them and make conversation.

"Hi guys! I'm Aliyah, Aliyah Laurier. Im a new student at greenfield."

"Hi Aliyah, it's always nice to meet new students, I'm Marcus. You need help getting around, maybe even advice on something?"

"Actually I wanted to ask a few questions, you know to get a sense of how things run around here."

"Ask away."

"How long have you guys been in greenfield? Is the program really as amazing as it sounds?"

"I've been in greenfield for about 3 years now and so has Justin, Caroline has been here for 2 years and we actually also have someone starting this year. Greyson."

I wasn't too focused on the people around him, that I didn't even notice him. Greyson. The same Greyson from Lanceman High.

Something tells me that today is the beginning to something great.

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