Chapter 2.

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Linze took out a bag and poured out the contents of it.

Linze: Alright since you're new to using magic we'll start with water.

Linze held the blue spell stone over her tea cup.

Linze: Come forth water!

A stream of water came from the stone and into the cup.

She then handed it to Hakumen.

Linze: Just concentrate and say come forth water.

Hakumen: Come forth water!

A large stream of water came from the stone while Elze and Linze looked at Hakumen wide eyed.

Hakumen: Perhaps we should do the rest outside?

Linze: Yeah, maybe we should.

Hakumen followed Elze and Linze outside.

Hakumen: Come forth fire!

A large combustion erupted from the red stone and yet again Elze and Linze stared at Hakumen dumbfounded.

Hakumen: Come forth earth!

A stream of sand poured out of the brown stone.

Hakumen: Come forth wind!

A furious gust of wind flew out of the green stone.

Hakumen: Come forth light!

A bright light shined from the yellow stone.

Hakumen: Come forth dark!

Several shadows emerged from the purple stone.

Elze and Linze stared at Hakumen in utter shock.

Hakumen: What?

Elze: Just what the heck are you?!

Linze: No one's ever been able to use all the elements and I've only got an affinity for three of them.

Hakumen looked at the seventh stone in curiosity.

Hakumen: What about the seventh stone?

Linze: The seventh stone is for null magic or personal magic.

Elze: My null magic is called boost.

Linze: My null magic is power raise, it's extremely rare for two people to have the same null magic.

Hakumen picked up the stone and suddenly felt something.

Hakumen: One of you attack me.

Elze threw a punch but it struck a barrier and was slammed to the other side of the ground.

Elze: What was that?

Hakumen: It was my null magic. It's called Zanshin or God Slash, it let's me counter my opponent's physical attacks and it has several variations.

Hakumen and the Silhoueska twins accepted a quest to kill five horned wolves.

Elze: With that sword of yours you'll be fighting up front with me while Linze fights from afar.

Hakumen nodded.

(Que Susanooh Alter Memory.)

Hakumen entered his combat stance and changed at the horned wolves.

Hakumen: Crimson!

Hakumen lunged and struck a horned wolf with the hilt of his sword and the kanji for shell appeared.

Hakumen: Empty Sky Form: Summer's Advance!

Hakumen let out a powerful slash from his sword and killed one of the horned wolves.

Elze killed two more of the horned wolves and Linze killed the last three horned wolves with a fire spell.

Hakumen and the Silhoueskas returned to the guild and turned in the horns and their guild cards were updated.

End of Hakumen Chapter 2.

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