♥︎Dating Priya would include♥︎

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Requested: Priya x Fem reader

Wordcount 335

warnings implied sex

-Since Priya is a book worm, I'm pretty sure you'd have to be a book worm, or at least interested in books to date her.
-Since Priya is obviously bi, (did u see her and the emo girl in the movie?! thats gay asf) she would date a girl, she doesn't care.

-Cuddling or something while reading twilight, but separate versions.

-After reading you both would have an hour long conversation about the books.

-Being the only person she opens up to, and shows emotion to.

-Her allowing herself to be vulnerable around you.

-You being able to tell her about anything and she'll just be there to listen and comfort you if need be.

-Cuddles whenever you or her is sad.

-Listening to 4*town with her.

-Overall just hella vibing with her.

-Her convincing you to get your nose pierced.

-Being the only person she shares food and drinks with, and vice versa.

-The chemistry you guys have is ASTRONOMICAL.

-You guys are basically attached at the hip.

-If someone hurt your feelings/bullied you, she'd be right on their tail, and overall scare the absolute fuck out of them.

-If someone made a hurtful comment about you and her being gay, she'd throw a really heavy and hard book at them, even it was an adult, she doesn't give a fuck.

-Nobody's gonna mess with you when she's around.

-Her loving you with her whole heart.

-Her PDA scale is like in the middle, but of course she wouldn't full on make-out with you on spot, she saves that for the bedroom.

-She'll hold hands, peck you on the lips, cheeks, forehead, hand, etc, and cuddle with you in front of people, but that's just because shes kind of clingy.

-Y'all are overall very lovey-dovey and most people envy your healthy relationship, of course you just argue from time to time, but that's normal. If u didn't, that wouldn't be.

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