Chapter 4

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Joshie was at the store with his mother. He told her that he was going to be joining the PAW Patrol.

Joshie: they said their gonna train me to be part of the team

Joshie's Mother: really? Huh. I thought they only allowed pups into their team?

Joshie: well this will be a first for the team

Joshie's Mother: that's cool hun

Joshie smiled. Suddenly, a woman scream came from the other side of the store.


Joshie: oh no ma'am call the PAW Patrol quick!

Woman: good thinking young man

Meanwhile back at the lookout. Ryder watched his pups play until he got the call.

Ryder: PAW patrol what is your emergency?

Woman: help someone has stolen my purse

Ryder: oh no don't worry ma'am we'll be on our way

Women: oh thank you

Few minutes later. Ryder and Chase came and saw the robber getting away.

Ryder: Chase see if you can stop him

Chase: you got it Ryder sir

And he went straight after the theif.

Joshie: Hey Ryder

Ryder: oh hey Joshie what's up?

Joshie: nothing just can't wait to start working with you guys

Ryder: I'm glad you are. Did Rocky tell you about tomorrow?

Joshie: I'm not sure. What is happening tomorrow?

Ryder: the pups and I are going to train you to be a member

Joshie gasped with excitement. Joshie's Mother told him that it also ment to get plenty of sleep.

Joshie: I'm so excited

Ryder: I knew you would be

Chase: Ryder sir I caught him

Robber: darn you PAW Patrol. Someday you will get what's coming to ya

Ryder: I think everything is going to be fine with the PAW patrol

Joshie: and it will stay that way and when I'm in the PAW Patrol I will help millions of people

Robber: hahaha you think you can join the PAW Patrol? Your just a little nobody but a boy hahahahahaha

Everyone else were laughing too. Except for Chase, Ryder, and his mother. He was starting to form tears in eyes and he ran off.

Joshie's Mother: Sweetie come back!!

Chase: oh no. Ryder sir we have to go after him

Ryder: right Joshie's Mother we'll find him

Joshie's Mother: thanks PAW Patrol

They drove in the parking lot to find him and they soon found him by his mother's car crying. Ryder parked his ATV and kneeled down as he tried to comfort him. Chase stepped in as well to help.

Ryder: Joshie it's ok. You will be an amazing addition to are team

Joshie: b..but what i...if I screw everything up? You'll a...all hate me *sniff*

Chase: no Joshie we would never hate you. It's just we all have accidents and we learn from them. We get up and try again

Joshie: but i.....I'll just be a laughing stock. And they already did

Joshie started sobbing. Ryder gave him a hug. Seeing him like this was heartbreaking to him. Joshie was a sweet and a very caring young man. He always had a heart of gold and Joshie's heart was in the right place. But he was also a very sensitive person too. So it was understandable why this made him upset.

Ryder: everything is going to be alright Joshie you'll see tomorrow when we train you. You'll get everything down and we will all help you

Chase: yeah and not to mention you'll be with us. So everything is going to work out fine

Joshie: o...ok i...I guess when you put it that way. Yeah I'm going to be ok

Ryder: that's what we were looking for the right confidence

Joshie's Mother: Joshie I'm so glad you are ok sweetheart

Joshie: yeah I'm ok mom. The PAW Patrol always knows what to do

Ryder: definitely when ever you have a problem..........

Joshie: just yelp for help?

Ryder: exactly

Everyone laughed and soon they parted ways. Once Joshie and his mother got home, Rocky was on Joshie's bed just waiting for them to come home.

Rocky: I can't wait to train Joshie. I hope everything works out

He saw on the floor a sketchbook and he opened it up to reveal a drawing he drew. It was of him in his own paw patrol outfit. He turned the page to some writing that he wrote. It said.

I'm happy I'm joining the PAW Patrol but. I don't want to mess up. I want to help those in need and protect everyone from trouble. But what if I'm not capable of doing that. What if I'm just a screw up. I know I'm not but what if I do screw up? Will I be really hated? Will I just disappoint everyone? Am I really a laughing stock? Am I really a failure? I love the PAW Patrol and everything they do. But I'll just be a burden to them. I really don't want to be. I just hope I can help everyone and make everyone happy. But will i?....................................

Rocky teared up after reading the note. It was hard for him to comprehend what he just read.

Rocky: *sighs* poor Joshie. I.....I have to talk to h..him

Joshie soon entered his room and noticed Rocky in a upset state.

Joshie: oh you read my writing?

Rocky: Joshie your not a burden. Your not a failure, a laughing stock, a screw up or anything like that

Joshie: i...I already had gotten laughed at because of me being in the PAW Patrol

Rocky: were?

Joshie: yeah but I'm fine now really. I know you guys will help me

Rocky: we certainly will. We all have your back no matter what

They both hugged it out and decided to put it behind them.

Joshie: how about we do something positive like ohhhh I don't know new super mario bros wii

Rocky: oh yeah I'm mario

Joshie: and I'll be luigi

They played for a good few hours until it was time for lunch. Joshie had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches while Rocky had pup food.

Joshie: oh you can't go wrong with some ppandj you know what I'm saying?

Rocky: oh definitely. But prefer pup food

They laughed until the door bell rung. Joshie's Mother went to go answer it and once again it was the officers again.

Joshie's Mother: what's going on this time?

Officer Gary: there's reports about the PAW Patrol pups again and this time they stole some jewelry from a mall. So we need to talk to Rocky

Rocky heard what was happening and so did Joshie.

Joshie: no their going to send you to pup jail

Rocky: tell your mom I'm not here

Joshie: oh boy here goes nothing.................

To Be Continued

Joshie Joins The PAW Patrol Where stories live. Discover now