Final Trailer

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The trailer starts at a Wedding set up in Hawhinny, as we see Shining Armor and Cadance getting married.

"These rings signify the commitment-" The pastor stated before he was interrupted by a ringtone coming from Rainbow Dash's phone. Everyone at the wedding was staring at Rainbow as she had a look of embarrassment from the sudden interruption.

"Rainbow Dash! Are you kidding me?!" Twilight whispered/yelled at her in annoyance.

"Sorry, Sorry." Rainbow apologized.

She picks up her phone to see who's calling her. The caller was Sonic, she could tell because the profile picture for Sonic was of when Rainbow, Sonic, and the rest of her friends went to Equestria Land.

Rainbow answers the call, "Sonic?"


"Life or death situation!" Sonic said in a panic as he was snowboarding on a piece of metal, while holding the two-tailed fox, being knocked out, and snowboarding away from an avalanche. Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were also following alongside him with their own 'snowboards'. "I need you to use the ring to save me. Like, right now."

A scene showed Robotnik's egg drones, some even looked like buzz bombers, flying out of a cave and following Sonic.

Back at the Wedding, Rainbow throws the ring and it opens up revealing a snowing mountain. Everyone at the wedding was looking inside the ring seeing four figures being chased by the avalanche.

"Snow my god..."

"Oh, boy." Rainbow groaned.

"INCOMING!" Sonic said as he and an unconscious Tails were flown through the ring portal with a giant pile of snow coming behind them. Some people managed to get away, while others were buried underneath the giant pile of snow. Which ended up destroying the wedding as well.

"Ah, Hawhinny." Sonic groaned.

"I just hope we're not too late." said Tails, holding a yellow backpack on his back.

"Oh my goodness. There's two of them now." Cadence says in awed.

" Cadence says in awed

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