Enemies with Benefits

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"Something like what?" Max asked.

Daniel locked eyes with you and it was like you had a telepathic moment, he knew you were both wondering when he woke up and just how much he had overheard. Daniel wouldn't be too intimidated by Max if you weren't part of the equation, but as not only your 'boss' in a way, he was also your best friend, so he was pretty sure that gave him a license to act how he saw fit.

"What?" Daniel played dumb.

You were unimpressed, your expression saying, really, that's the best you could do?

"She said try a little harder to hate her and you said you were, but it was hard after "something like that"" Max did air quotes, as he walked around from the other side of your seat. It seemed like he was walking extremely slow, assessing the vibes between Daniel and you with each step closer.

Daniel knew exactly what was said, he didn't need Max to repeat it. What he needed was another second to think of a way out of this.

"Oh, she said she loves my laugh." Daniel grinned proudly.

Max's face fell into a frown, like he was expecting something entirely different. The silence was heavy and as soon as Max's eyes were off of Daniel and on you, he shot you a pleading look, saying play along!

"And now I wish I was dead." You responded, your voice flat and full of regret. It sounded similar to a lot of interactions involving him, so he was impressed. Unless you were just telling the truth?

Max took another step towards the space between your seat and Daniel's, still assessing if it was safe.

"Because you said one nice thing about me?" Daniel scoffed and rolled his eyes. "You act like being anything but spiteful towards me might kill you."

"Yes. Because I said one nice thing about you. It felt gross and I hated it." You shot back petulantly. "And not, might kill me. It will kill me."

"Can you two stop for one fucking second and tell me the truth?" Max snapped, causing Daniel and you to look up at him in shock.

"Dan just did." You stated. Daniel hated that he still noticed when you called him 'Dan' over 'Daniel'.

"Stop calling him 'Dan' and then pretending like nothing is going on!" Max ran his hand through his hair, exasperated.

Apparently Max still noticed too...

"It means nothing." You said firmly, your voice rising a bit like Max's had.

"You just told him you like his laugh!"

"Actually it was love." Daniel butt in and then wondered why the fuck he did that. You shot him a look that said the same thing.

Max pointed to Daniel, as if he was helping prove his point.

"Okay, I will refer to him as Ricciardo from now on, does that help?" You sneered.

"It helps but it still doesn't explain why you two are being so fucking weird! I'm used to having to play referee and tear the two of you apart, you two are always going at each other's throats and now it's "Dan" and "I love your laugh". Max laid into both of you.

"Max, sit down and shut up." You snapped pointing to the seat next to you. Daniel could tell you'd decided something, you had accepted something. Were you really going to just tell Max? Right here right now? What were you even going to tell him?

Daniel sat forward in his seat, trying to prepare for however Max reacted. Max noticed, narrowing his eyes at him as he sat down next to you.

"Max." You snapped your fingers, like you were calling a dog to attention and Max finally turned his head to give you his full attention.

Speak of the Devil : Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now