1. Plane

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" Em, wake up...EM" Was the first thing I heard when my body suddenly flew up from my seat. Shit I fell asleep...

"EM THE PLANE IS GOING DOWN" Someone screams in my ear. And my body reacted quickly. I started to look around me and out the window. But why is everyone peacfully sitting in their seats? That's  when I hear Maurice and Roger laughing loudly.

"You really fell for that one, didn't you, Em?" Maurice said with a playful smile.

"Wow, you should be a comedian!" I Said in annoyance.

"We know darling" Roger said amused. With that stupid smirk.

"Shut it Roger... and don't call me that!" I said quickly.

"Whatever you say love" Roger say rather quietly. Like he didn't want anybody to hear him.

I stared at them both for a little while until I got bored. So I pulled out my book from my bag and then put the bag right back under my seat. I looked at the book and noticed some rips and cracks on the dark green frame. After all it was my favourite book so I've read it probably 100 times. I tried to read my book in leave but with all the boys laughing, screaming, talking it was nearly impossible. After about 10 minuters I gave up and looked out the window.

Then in the corner of my eye I see a tall figure walking towards my seat. I looked at him and immedietly knew who he was. He was the boy who have been staring at me from his seat. He had blonde wavy short hair. Impressive. Then those icy blue eyes. Beautiful. And that jawline. Wowowow. He saw me staring at him and he gave me that flirty smile of his.
No, no no you can't, Em get a hold of yourself. I thought.

"There you guys are" "and who is this pretty little thing" He said and looked at me.

I could feel my checks turning red. I shook off that feeling quickly and glared at him with a very judgmental look. Trying to sound confident.

"My name is Emmeline, and who exactly are you?" I asked the blonde boy.

"Jack, Jack Merridew" he said happily and winked at me.

I rolled my eyes and decided to just look out of the window until this wierd situation is over. I heard Roger, Maurice and Jack talking behind me. I tried my best to hear what they we're talking about. But I couldn't figure out what they were saying. After a while I looked back and saw that Jack had already gone back to his own seat. Thank god.
Maurice was talking to Roger about football. Boring.
I then looked behind me just to find another boy already staring at me. He looked a little younger than Jack and Roger but not as young as some of the boys on the plane.

"Hi!" "Whats ur name?" I say with a welcoming smile.

"Simon... sorry for staring at you" He said as he looked down ashamed.

"It's okay Simon! My name is Emmeline" aww he's so sweet

"You have a pretty name miss Emmeline" He said with a shy smile.

I smiled at him and was just about to say something, but that's when the whole plane shook. Everyone became quiet and started to wonder what happened. I looked at Simon in horror. He must have noticed my scared face when he said

"Don't worry Em, it's just turbulence. He said to calm me down.

Just in that moment the plane shook again. I could hear boys screaming and crying, both the younger and some of the older ones. I looked around in absolute horror and felt tears running down my cheeks. My eyes met Jack's. He looked at me in fear. I could not have imagined seeing that face on him. He was scared.
Then I couldn't hear anything. No screaming. No crying.
I just heard a big BANG sound. That's when everything went black.


So guys that was the first charter of my story! Please tell me what you think. And no I'm not the best at english but I really tried my best! Really glad that you're reading my story!

𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙪𝙥𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙟𝙪𝙣𝙜𝙡𝙚 [𝙅𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧]Where stories live. Discover now