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You and Changbin have been talking on the way to the dorm catching up with each other. When you enter the room, you are left speechless by the sight in front of you. (the picture above^) Causing you to drop your jaw to the floor.. again... Chan walks up from behind you and whispers in your ear "Remember what we talked about darling?" and continues walking into the room, leaving you flustered standing by the door way. 

Everyone is sitting on the couch watching TV. You decide to join them and sit between Changbin and Chan. When the movie ends, Hyunjin speaks up. "Since we don't know Y/N that well, how about we play 20 question?" "Okay..?" You respond kind of curious as of to what type of questions they will ask. "I'll go first." Chan says with a smirk. Oh gosh.. What are you planning? "Do you have a boyfriend?" Changbin interrupts before you can respond. "HA! With those social skills, she'd be lucky to kiss someone before she's on her death bed." At this point Changbin along with the other members are rolling around on the floor dying of laughter. "And you would be lucky to grow another 5 inches before you turn over in your grave." You reply while slapping the back of his head. After that remark, everyone went quiet. "You may continue.." Changbin says quietly while turning red from embarrassment. The game went on until there were only 5 of us left. Me, Changbin, Chan, Minho, and Hyunjin. Time to expose Chan... "Lets play truth or dare." I say while smirking at Chan. "Oh! I'll go first.." Minho says. 

All goes well until it's Changbin's turn. "Y/N, truth or dare?" Feeling brave, I pick dare. "I dare you to kiss the most attractive guy in the room." "Really Binnie?" He just winks at me while smirking so I roll my eyes in response. I want to see the look on Chan's face when I don't pick him.. I think while smirking. I get up and walk over to Hyunjin, gently holding his face. I make sure Chan is watching and as soon as I look to the side I see that Chan's face is bright red. I then look back at Hyunjin and see him wink at me. He then does something that totally takes me off guard. He grabs the back of my head and smashes our lips together. I hesitate at first but then give in and allow our lips to move in sync. It was about to turn into a make out session until Chan stepped in. "Hyunjin! That's enough. He said kiss, not make out." As I was walking back to my spot I sent Chan a wink while saying "Is little Channie upset?" then everyone except Chan laughs. "Chan, truth or dare?" Minho asks. "Dare I guess." Chan responds still upset from his previous interaction with his members. "I dare you to fight Y/N." Minho says with a smug look on his face. You hop up off the ground and walk towards Chan. "This should be an easy one." "I'm not so sure about that Y/N, Chan does boxing." Minho warns me. "Lets see what you got." I say to Chan. "Listen, I don't like to hit girls, but I'll make you an exception." You scoff after Chan's remark. 

Before Chan can get in his starting position, you are already lunging at him. You go in for a right roundhouse which he some how blocks. "Impressive.. You're not totally useless after all." You chuckle. He then throws a fake right hook, which catches you off guard and goes in with a left jab causing you to fall backwards. Before you hit the ground, you wrap your leg around his knee which makes him give out falling on the ground with you. You open your eyes after the hard impact and notice that Chan is on top of you. He leans in and says "Nice try babygirl, but you have to try harder to take me down." while smirking. Jeongin suddenly bursts through the door and shouts "PIZZA IS HERE!". When Chan was distracted with the current commotion, you made your move. You wrapped your legs around his waist in one swift movement and used your body weight to flip him over so you were now on top. He just looked up at you with a shocked expression as you were pinning him to the ground. "The first rule of combat, NEVER take your eyes off your opponent." You say as you hold eye contact with him. You were expecting him to talk back but he was just starring at you. You felt as though you were being pulled into his gaze. You both slowly leaned forward into each others grasp. You saw his eyes flicker down to your lips as he leaned in even closer. Your lips are centimeters away from each other, one slight movement and they would be touching. "That's enough love birds! We have children present." Minho says while walking into the kitchen, leaving both you and Chan a blushing mess.


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