The Man In The Mud

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       I was on my way to the church with my sister Gonca when I saw a black horse in the distance. He seem nervous, he was kicking a big pool of mud and crying out loud. I kicked Alaca with the back of my heel to get her moving. Gonca followed behind me. I hopped off my Alaca and went to the horse to calm him down. I looked around for the problem that was making this brave horse so anxious. Then I felt my face drop I saw a man lay flat on the mud unconscious. His whole body was covered in mud.  Went to see so if he was alive i put my hand under his nose and felt a breeze. 

"He's alive," I say

"We have to take him out of the mud"

I tried pulling him out but he was too heavy. what could help him to get him out? THE LEASH. I get up towards the black horse and grab his leash and wrap it under the man's arms.

I hit the horse "Come on son, take him"

"Come on great job"

Then when his head is over the mud and near the lake I unwrap him from the leash. I pick up the man's head with one hand and wash his face with the other. A Turk. The mud starts to come off and this mysterious man's face which is soon to be revealed. Gonca tells me that we don't have much time and we need to go. I ignore her words I'm too interested in helping this man her words leave my head quickly. The mud is off his face and I can see it. I continue to wash his face for any hidden mud. Then he flutters his eyes slowly. 

"He's waking up," I tell Gonca

His eyes are dark,  and his lashes are long. I give him one last wipe on his face as I'm doing that his eye opens and he looks into mine something about his eyes makes me feel warm inside but i quickly put that aside. He closes his eyes. I and Gonca put him onto some land so he can bring himself back to reality. He opens his eyes again. They catch me. That warm feeling comes back but was put away by Goncas's words fast.

"Come on, we need to get going"

I look at the man one last time before I head over to Alaca. He seems ok I think to myself.

The whole ride He Is on my mind...

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