-Chapter Fourteen-

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POV: Jupe

And there I was entering the house that had music blasting, that could be heard from a block away.   I was looking for that blonde haired girl that was giggling and shit, with my man.  Now I wasn't going to be a straight bitch to her, even though I really do want to, I'm just going to talk to her as a 'friend' type of way, I guess you could say.  But once that whore says something that I don't approve of, her shit is getting fucking rocked.

I found her in the kitchen making herself a drink by herself, which was easier for me to approach her. 

"Uhm, personal space?" She commented with attitude, as I walked up to her.  Right there and then I imagined my fists colliding with her face, but I had to keep my chill.

"Oh, sorry.  Are you uh enjoying the party?" I asked her, but she was focused on her drink she was preparing herself.

"Yeah, I guess." 

"Are you here with anyone." I asked her.

"I was till my friend left me for some guy. She forced me here so I could have a one night stand but then ends up fucking ditching me." She said rolling her eyes.  I'm glad she said that, knowing shes having a horrible night makes me have butterflies.  But now she gave me the opportunity to ask about Jaden.

"Well have you found anybody?" I asked waiting for her response.

"Not really I tried talking to this one boy, but he whispered into my ear saying he was taken and told me to go fuck someone else.  I tried convincing him to just talk with me but he pushed me off of him, I tried laughing it off but he told me to get out of here.  And I walked away.  Now my night is even fucking worse."  Those words she said took off weight off my shoulders I didn't even knew I had,  I was happy to know that Jaden wasn't trying to get with some slut behind my back, it made me know that he was loyal and I had nothing to worry about in our relationship.

"We-" I was cut off by someones arms snaking around my waist, I knew exactly who it was by the bracelet he was wearing. 

"Hey, ma." He was now hugging me from behind resting his head on my neck.

"Hey, babe.  I was just talking to this girl about how such a horrible night shes having, kind of feel bad for the girl." I said sarcastically, I could tell she was pissed off.  I kind of enjoyed seeing her mad.

"She's a whore, I could give two shits about her." He whispered into my ear. 

"Just go along with it, baby." I whispered back.

"I've-" I was cut off again, but this time by Jaden's lips connecting with mine, it was a pretty sloppy kiss considering I was high as fuck, plus drunk and Jaden had a couple drinks as well.  Soon the kiss turned into making out right in front of the blonde bitch,  I opened my eyes just to make direct eye contact with her.  Her eyes rolling back making me smirk into the kiss.

We eventually pulled away but by the time we stopped she was already gone.  The night was filled with more drinking and smoking, eventually we all found each other.  And that leads us here in the living room playing truth or dare with the boy Omar from earlier, , Evan, Jaylas 'friend' named Jessica and this girl Hannah who was chill as fuck and had a nice vibe over all.

"I dare you to make out with Jayla," Omar blurted to me, I guess he didn't know that Jayla and Jessica were kind of a thing.  I looked a Jayla consent and she nodded slowly rolling her eyes, I then looked at Jaden, but he seemed not to care at all.  I got up from Jadens lap, now sitting on Jaylas lap facing her with my legs on each side of her.

Slowly leaning in, but before letting our lips connect I asked her "are you sure?" she whispered a reply. "Yeah, it's just a stupid dare," and with that our lips crashing together, the sound of our lips filled our ears.  To me I didn't really feel anything, I don't feel what I feel with Jaden.  But the way Jayla was going in so passionately made me think if she may have felt something, I pulled away once I felt it get more heated then it should have.  Jayla looking at me up and down, I could see guilt fill her eyes as she saw Jessica walk out the room, I quickly got off of Jayla with her getting up and following Jessica out of the room.  

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