The leap of Bravery

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The Flip of Century

Chapter 1

The leap of bravery

One day in Okinawa Japan, a girl named Hikara Nakashima, was taking a look from above the tallest building in okinawa.

She was thinking about the tricks she had developed a month ago, she was wondering how to use them.

Her sisters didn't know how to help her so they kept on telling her just to try and make it useful.

Their mother, Sanjuki Nakashima, had left all of them when they were around ages 5-7. That's when they became full felines.

They are all cats and once they reach the age of 5 or 7, they must learn to live on their own. They already know how to live since it developed into them from their mothers transmition.

" I wonder how I'll use them, s-should I do it?" said Hikara.

She thought of it as a leap of carelessness but she didn't want to think of that herself; she also wanted to get her sisters to read up on the idea. To get a final answer she had to go get her sisters at the top of the building to get the height number's correctly. So, she went to go get her sisters. Once she got to their home on an alleyway, she went up the rusty old black stairs. Hikara then went to her and her sister's apartment because that's where they had always stayed since they were left by their mother. " Guys i'm

back from the tower!" explained Hikara. Then two of her middle sisters who were twins went running to her. "Are you okay, you're 6 minutes late, did you get hurt?!" said Yua in a worried tone.

"Are you hungry, did you get caught by the police and run away, did you almost get kidnapped?!" exclaimed Ichika.

"U-uhm no, but i do need you guys to help me with something..." said Hikara.

They were all interested after what their little sister had said, but only one was not interested.

Riku, the oldest of all sisters and most wise, only planned to stay inside since she was considered safer by her rules. Her name ment "wise sky" and so a lot of the young cat's call her "Wise sky ruler". She is considered by all cats as the number 1, so basically she's boss around their parts. But then Riku then said " You have some dumb dangerous idea in your head don't you huh?"

Hikara then was shocked about what she had said then looked down in disappointment since she knew she would say no.

Hikara then spoke up, "H-how could you tell Riku.."?

Riku then got up and walked over to Hikara. Hikara then got scared because when she got up and went to her, it was never a good sign. But she did something I would have never guessed. As she approached her sister she started to slowly smile, which was very rare for her. As she smiled Riku put her hand on her head and patted it. She then replied with an answer saying " Y'know if you wanna get used to the tricks you have recently developed, then of course we can test them out at the sky tower."

Hikara was shocked that she knew what she was thinking but then was filled with excitement and joy. "R - really!?" said Hikara. Then once they got there yes all sisters went up to the sky tower to get the height measurements so they could tell how many tricks in total would be the safest. Because one wrong movement and everything goes wrong. "Hmm, we could be able to try your double connect and your tail jump but it would be too risky...." said Riku. Then minato then did the correct calculations and said something shocking "We will be able to try them all, we're high enough on the ground to do so." she then smirked with pleasure. While they were departing , it was possible, there was still Hikara who was standing on the edge of the building. One of the sisters noticed and screamed, " WAIT HIKARA YOUR NOT DOING THIS BY YOURSELF, WE'RE HERE FOR A REASON!" yelled Yua. Then all eyes from her sisters were on Hikara. Then they heard something that not even a fully developed feline would say. "I'm going to try it, I will take the leap of carelessness." said Hikara. Then they all started walking toward her when Ichika said " well it's not really a leap of carelessness, it's more of a leap of bravery, because funny thing none of us when you had your amount of tricks were never brave enough to dare try this stunt." They all nodded while some of them all said some yesses or yeah's. Then they all got in position on the edge of the building. Riku had then stood next to

her new fully developed sister. "You ready tiger?" said Riku with a smirk of joy. "Of Course i'm ready, lion" replied Hikara. They both scoff and some laugh, then on the final check. " Are you all ready?" said Riku.

"READY" said everyone

Then they all knew it was time when Riku fell off the building. Them landing on nearby roof tops and building tops. Some of them even use the spring technique to keep up with everyone.


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