Second Term

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"I Love you"

"What did you just say?"

"I Love you Lia more than anything in the world"

Then anything became blurry

Tokkkkkkkkkk toookkkkkk

"Lia!!!" I opened my eyes. It was all just a dream. I thought it was real. I opened the door

"Lia I've been knocking on your door since like (looks at her watch) forever" so that was my best friend Claire. We've been friends since first year high school.

"I think I know why you've overslept again. You've been dreaming about him again don't you"

"Shut up Claire. I'm just really tired from yesterday. We've just finished the exams of course I'm going to be really tired"

"Excuses. Talking about love. Do you have a crush on Allen?" really it's early in the morning and she's going to talk about Allen. She didn't even greet me good morning

"Allen. Nope I don't have a crush on him. He's just a friend of mine. Just a really close friend of mine" yup I'm just friends with him you heard me. I'm serious I'm just friends with him

"Oh really wow you don't have a crush on him"

"Are you sure that you don't have a crush on him?"

"He likes somebody else and it's obvious that he doesn't have a crush on me" I frowned. I frowned because I don't like the girl she likes I'm not jealous or something I just don't like the girl she likes.

"I know you Lia. I know that face"

"Claire just trust me with this I don't have a crush on Allen"

"Ok fine. Let's just eat breakfast. My mom prepared your favourite pancakes"

We went downstairs. If your wondering where are my parents, well they are in abroad. And my sister she's already in college. I'm just living with my best friend Claire.

"So who's Allen?" Oh my gosh how does Claire's mom know about Allen

"Mom. Please not here. Ask her later" I glared at Claire

"You do know I'm still here and I could hear your conversation" I said

"Ok fine please tell me who is this Allen guy. Claire told me you have a crush on him"

"I don't have a crush on Allen okay he's just a close friend of mine. Well, his just a friend of mine" I said

"Friends with Benefits" Claire added

"Shut up Claire.. Sorry" I went upstairs and changed my clothes

I'm not mad at them I'm used to this kind of stuff. We just like to teased each other. But the thing that I don't get is that why can't they just believe me that I don't have a crush on him.

"Hey Lia" I saw Claire outside my room. She entered my room and sat on one of my beanbags

"Sorry, we were just teasing you" that's what I like about Claire she always apologise when she does something wrong

"It's okay" I smiled

I went to the bathroom and changed my clothes. I'm wearing a chevron top and a simple blue jeans. By the way, Claire's wearing a pink and white aztec pattern shirt and a white pants.

~Few minutes later I finished doing my morning routine and went to school~

So it's the second term of the school now Lia. What should I do?

"Hey Lia, Are going to join any clubs this ter?" Claire asks

"I don't know yet. But I'm planning to join the photography club" 

"Okay. I'm joining the cheering squad again" Claire had been trying to join the cheering squad ever since we were in grade 6. But for some reason, she always got rejected. She's good at it. I don't know why aren't they letting her in the squad. 

"Oh yeah, let's meet in our hang out place at break" I said

Our hang out place is in the back of our school. Only few students go to out hang out place. I don't know why.

I went to my first class which is.... art class. I hate art. I'm bad at drawing, painting and those kind of stuffs.

"Ms. Lia you're late again" said Mr. Pregurgle. He's nice but he's really peculiar most of the times.

"Sorry, I went to the toilet" I lied.

"Okay, Take your seat" I looked for a seat and I saw... Allen

"Hey Al!" he looked at me and smiled

"Hey Li" I smiled back

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