Revealed Secret

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Lia's POV

I'm going to be honest for a bit. I do like Allen okay since the first day he went to this freaking school. I tried to lie and like somebody else but it just doesn't work. I even lied to my friends. I thought if I liked somebody, I would forget Allen. I never wanted attention. I didn't like somebody else just to get attention. But that stupid chemical reaction that happens to your brain when your in love just wouldn't stop. The guys I said that I like, I did like them but Allen was different from all those guys.

He made me smile. He turned my darkest to my brightest. Even though he's really weird and awkward I still manage to like him like that. He's different from all the guys I met.

Our class just finished. I'm just fixing my stuffs.

"So Lia, we're having our basketball game next week. Are you going to watch?" he smiled. How could I say no to him. He always has that puppy eyes on his sparkly eyes.

"Of course I'm coming, I'm even going to bring a banner just for you"

"I'm counting on that banner and you of course. I don't care if you don't bring that banner. I just want you to come on my game" he then went out the classroom

"Allen, when can I tell you that I like you?" I took my bag

"Oh my Goshieee" oh no Claire heard. She's jumping and smiling at me like an idiot

"Did you just heard what I said?" she smiled and nod at me

"I heard every single word you just said"

"Even the basketball thing"

"What basketball thing? The only thing I heard is that (copies my voice)Allen, when can I tell you that I like you" this is so embarrassing.

"Claire, please don't tell anyone. It would be really awkward if he knew that I liked him"

"So could you tell me how everything started" she begged me

"Fine. But first lets get some food to eat. I'm really hungry" I heard my tummy grumbled

While we were walking we've been talking and giggle going to the cafeteria. I was walking and jumping backwards and then I bumped on someone. I turned my head back and then I saw.. Harvey. He's one of the coldest, mysterious, and scariest guy I ever met. Then he gave me a death glare. I can't even move my body. I can't even talk to him.

"We are so sorry Harvs" Claire helped me to stand up. I still can't move my legs. My legs are shaking nervously.

"Next time look at where you're going" oh my gosh he actually talks. I mean he actually talks in a sentence. Every time I heard Harvs talk he usually talks in a word or two.

If you are wondering why we call him Harvs, it's his nickname. Apparently all of the students in our school calls him Harvs.

"I'm sorry" I can actually talk now. It's a miracle.

He then looked at me in the eye. His eyes sparkled. I never seen his eyes like that before. I find it charming when his eyes sparked. Then he walked out.

"That was just creepiest thing that ever happened to me this year" Claire said

"I know right. His aura today is different than ever"


Most of the parts of this story is just made up. Few of them were real.

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