Heather's and Niall's day

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~Heather's Point of View~

This morning i woke up and someone was ontop of me kissing me they werent normal kisses they were sloppy and inbetween a kiss the person ontop of me licked me i thought to myself well that was wierd why did they lick me i opened my eyes and it was Niall                                                                            

'Niall why are you licking me' i said in a morning voice 

'Sorry Princess just trying to wake you up' Niall said smiling

'its ok Snowflake i cant stay mad at you' i said getting out from under Niall

Niall frowned 'whats wrong Niall?' i asked 

'i didn't get a kiss' Niall said sounding upset

'oh im sorry' i said then kissed him

'thnx now what do you want for breakfast?' he asked smiling again

'anything im just hungry' i said kneeling on the bed

niall smiled and said 'im hungry to lets go out'

'ok just let me brush my hair then we can go' i said walking into the bathroom 'hey Niall so you have a brush i didn't bring one with me' i asked Niall

'i do have a brush but its small you can use it though' niall said walking into the bathroom with a little brush

i laugh and say 'thnx interesting brush by the way'

'well i dont need a normal brush cause i dont have that much hair' niall said handing me the brush

i finished brushing my hair and me and niall started walking to Ihop he said he wanted to walk so we decided to walk we ran into a bunch of fans they all asked if we were really dating and of course asked if they could have pictures with us mostley with Niall then there was one fan that came up to me and said 'you're an ugly f*cking cunt and you dont deserve Niall you're a whore' i looked at her then looked away and i felt tears were gonna come pouring out of my eyes i tried holding them in but they just came pouring out Niall noticed and pulled me into a Horan Hug ahh i love horan hugs they are so warm and comforting when you're upset 

'You're not a real fan if you call the girl i love ugly and say that she doesn't deserve me because you know what you're jealous that she has me and i have her and you dont she's a very beautiful girl and if you cant see that then you're blind and you can just leave' Niall said to the "fan" and we walked away

'Heather she doesnt know what shes talking about you're a very beautiful girl and im lucky to have you" Niall said wipping away my tears and kissing my forehead i smiled and looked into his eyes

"thnx Niall but it's not easy hearing that im a ugly cunt and a whore' i said still upset and turning my head away

Niall grabbed my face in his hands and turned my face so we were facing and said 'you are beautiful dont let anyone tell you otherwise' i smiled and nodded my head then he smashed his lips against mine in a very pastionate kiss i love his kisses even more than his hugs they are so loving i just aww love them so we got to ihop and sat down we ordered and then the waitress came out with our pancakes i had got these pancakes that were chocolate with chocolate chips and chocolate syrup nad i got chocolate milk also dont judge me i really like chocolate niall smiled at me 

Why you smiling Horan? i asked Niall

I just love all the chocolate you are eating. Niall said laughing a bit

i just really love chocolate its so sweet!! i said in an excited tone

But i can be much sweeter princess. Niall said smling

why dont you show me just how sweet" i said with a huge grin

Niall then stood up and picked me up and sat me on his lap and gave me the most passinate kiss it took my breath away i was surprised at first then i kissed back and our lips moved in perfect sinc with each other i can tell  this is going to be a great day..

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sorry if its kinda short or not super great ill try to do better please comment what you think 


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