Book cover reveal!!!

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Hello everyone, I just finished creating a new book cover, but wanted your guy's opinion. Do you think I should changed the Wattpad version to this or keep it as the original?

 Do you think I should changed the Wattpad version to this or keep it as the original?

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Also, for the longest time, I didn't want to reveal my actual self because I was scared of people judging me and scared of people I know finding this and being mean about it. But..... I want to be more interactive and less fearful so, I wanted to give you guys the handle to my finsta, where I literally post whatever I take pictures of that I think are pretty lol: jammerphotodiary

I've never really felt liked I've had friends, but I feel like I have so many besties whenever I log on to wattapad :,) If you guys want to follow it, lovely. If not, you can always interactive with me here on Wattpad!

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