Medic x Transmasc! Reader

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(Y/d/n) is the characters dead-name. 😡

The mirror seemed to always mock you. Your body never looked the way you wanted it to.

Your chest protruded out uncomfortably, your face was femininely round and soft, your body had to many curves.

You were born female at birth, it was a curse really.

The men at the base always called you 'girly,' or 'pretty'. You didn't like to be called that, you hated it.

It made you feel,,, awful.

Your eyes never left your chest. The mirror was a harsh reminder of who you are.

Your arms also reminded you constantly of the hell you live in. The varying cuts and gashes from a sharp object never seemed to help.

But you did it anyway... for a while.

Your eyes didn't waver until 2 sharp knocks at your door pulled you away.

" Libeling? Are jou in zhere? "

You quickly put on a long sleeved sweater and walked to your door. You opened it to reveal Medic; the only person you some-what felt safe around.

" Hey. Yeah, did you need something? "

He looked down at you with a soft, but somehow insane smile.

" Ah! Hallo! I have come to retrieve jou for your check-up! "

Oh,, right. You forgot you had that today.

Check-ups never bothered you before. That is until you started to hurt yourself; which no one could ever see.

You stammered on your words responding.

" O-oh. Yeah-yeah. That. Uh- I forgot about that. Ha-haha. "

Your stuttering seemed to confuse the tall german man. You never stuttered. You were always confident in your words.

" Frau, are jou feeling alright? Jou are sveating profusely! "


You hate that word. Frau, lass, girly, miss; those words always seemed to scream how wrong you are.

Before Medic could say another word. You quickly grabbed his gloved wrist and headed towards the med-bay.


The check-up was so awkward. Usually, the two of you would be talking non-stop about so many things from his latest experiment to the book you started reading. Today, it was quiet, beside the few 'coos' of Medics birds.

He would occasionally look in your eyes to try to find your problem. His stare was piercing, stern, and somehow calming.

He abruptly sat down in front of you.

" (Y/d/n), vhat is wrong? Jou have been acting unusual. "

You didn't bother to look at him.

" I'm just,, tired, that's all. "

He quickly debunked your statement.

" Nein. Jou have been acting like zhis for zhe past few months. Jou have been isolating jourself, not coming down for dinner zometimes. "

You could feel that he knew what was wrong. Tears were forming in your eyes, you tried to fight them back, but his last sentence broke you.

" Jou have been vearing zheze long sveaters in zhe middle of summer. "

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2022 ⏰

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