Chapter 2 - Adrien's.. "WHAT-"

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~here's a little recap~

Chloe, Alya and Luka walked in to the classroom, while I waited for Mr. Damoclese to announce my arrival.

"Ah! Students, we have a not-so-new student joining us today. Everyone welcome Marinette with warm hugs!"

"WHAT-" Adrien exclaimed fiercely, to everyone's surprise.

"Sit down, Mr. Agre-"


"Okay that's the last straw, out the door, Agreste, and stay there!"

Okay what was that?-


I came a little late today, since I woke up late, and as always Nino was again waiting at my door.

"Dude, what's up with your sleep schedule?"

"Ugh.. I woke up, right? What else matters?"

"You gotta fix this dude, I mean if you were doing school work during the day, I would understand, but you're way behind in that, so what ARE you doing dude?"


"Never mind, we're already late to class, let's just get going."

Oh trust me, Nino..
If I knew the answer to THAT question, all of my problems would be solved..

-skip 2 skool-

I managed to get there on time- well if you call 5 minutes left til class starts, on time.

I was just trying to nap for a while, since I barely slept from the past few weeks, but of course, the nightmares had to start again..

"W-wait.. Ladybug don't leave.. What about Paris? What about the miraculous?..

.. What about me..?.."

"I'm sorry Cat Noir-"

That's all I heard before I felt a sword go through my stomach, and blood splatter over Marinet-

.. Wait what?- Wasn't it Ladybug?-

And then I started to slowly come back to my sound mind, and somewhat heard Mr. Damoclese while being half asleep.

".. welcome Marinette with warm hugs!.."

Wait what..

I mustn't have heard that right..

I closed my eyes and opened them again..

Holy crap..


Before I could try and understand what was happening, I ended up shouting out at the top of my lungs...


"..out the door, Agreste, and stay there!"

"Dude.. ", Nino remarked.

"I know, I know.. It's my horrible luck.. ", I said as I took my books and pencil case to go outside the door while making eye contact with Marinette.

Ugh.. - I thought to myself - God won't let me live..


I was really shocked. The last person I expected to see at school was.. Adrien Agreste.

I assumed he must have skipped town, by the way he dropped, in studies, mental health and physical health.

I mean, his dad is really particular about him doing well in studies, so I assumed his father would've probably taken matters into his own hands and got him transferred..

But I guess not..

I mean, other than the fact that he is literally dating the girl he and I used to hate, it does put us in a hate-HATE relationship, for another reason..

I walked up and was contemplating on whether to sit next to Alya or not..

I mean our friendship really crashed after she ended up getting really mad on the fact that I up and left town, without letting her know.

I mean, I would be mad too, but at least I would try and understand where she's coming from, but no, she really just sticks to her own opinion now.

Anyways, I was about to just give up finding another place and sit next to Alya against my liking, but suddenly Sabrina got up and sat in an empty banch, making room for me to sit next to Chloe.

"There's a free seat here, Mari!", she exclaimed, joyfully.

I was so relieved she did that.

-skip to lunch-

"Hey Mari! Wanna go to the washroom to wash up with me?"

"Of cou-"

"I'm so sorry, but Chloe, I need your help here!"

"Ugh.. What is it?!"

"Just tell me what color suits blue and red, please, I'll definitely repay your favor."

"Ugh, fine! Mari, just go to the washroom, I'll be there."

"Alright, see ya!"

"Oh and by the way-"

I left before I could hear what she was about to say.

Wow.. This brings back so many memories.. - I thought to myself, while looking at the artwork and quotes pinned on the walls of our corridors.

"It's the other way."

"What?-", I turned around to see Adrien, on the floor, doodling on his note book.

"The restroom."

"Um, but it's always been that wa-"

"Yeah they changed it."


"By the way, why'd you leave Paris?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"No reason, just tell me."

"If you really want to know, my dad's bakery wasn't doing well, so we moved in hopes of the situation getting better, but it just got worse, so we came back. Does that answer your question?"

"Maybe. I mean, it doesn't make sense that you and Ladybug left Paris at th-"

"Hey babe!", spoke the walking form of human evil (Lila).

"Who you calling babe? We broke up."

"Oh please, over that silly argument? I know our love is stronger than that."

"Yeah no I'm done", he said while getting up from his seat and went towards the other way from the girls and boys restroom.

"Hey bitch."

"Well, hello to you too, hoe."

"You tyna steal my mans?"

"Oh please, take him, I don't even want to see him."

"Good! Stay away from him. Or else."

"Mhmm.. Yeah.. Oh my god.. I'm so scared.. "

"Get away from her, you slut!", Chloe shouted as she pushed Lila away.

"C'mon Mari, let's leave."



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