02 - - years away

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Three years after.

Learning new passion, she held herself into new ventures of the world. She want to taste life and enjoy it as far as possible thus she divulge herself in photographs. They said that it captures life and moment, those moments that will be treasured forever.

"Hey!" She spun around and saw her friend Bianca, she was a curator and had featured her photo's into the her gallery a few times already.

"Hey you!" She replied enthusiastically as she hugged her and drift away. "You look fantastic."

"You look not bad yourself either." She replied with a heartwarming laugh. "Its good to see you again."

"You too. ."

* * * * * * *

Right in front of the famous bay, a wooden art cottage was built. It displays different paintings and stuff, it was plain and anappealing outside, the woods were just colored gray and dull making a lot of people just pass it by unless ofcourse you would already see the painters creation would you really be interested in stepping into that cottage.

However, a middle aged woman had took interest in the store and dragged his husband inside, to their astonishment the place were full of paintings. But the paintings were rather odd and unusual. Yes, they were beautiful and lovely, but they were usually colored in black, brown, grey, maroon and any dark colors. Though some had vibrant colors but still the sillhouette paints would really shout to gain your attention.

"their so beautiful." She commented as she reach for the painting. It displays a mixture of brown and black colours of the sunset, the sand was rhythmicaly still and lifeless, but the deep water sea reflects light and glint like a sea of tears, while the sun shone less making you think where does its brightness goes? "But they're too sad." She commented again while putting her hand on her heart feeling the message of a broken life.

Looking for another art, their eyes drift away and saw a white canvas with a maroon shade of a woman's half face crying. The next one is a lovely rose with its thorns surrounding its flowers making some glints of red and blood gushing out of it. The next one is a sillhouette paint of a woman's face. Her long wavy hair hides almost half of her face but the light in her eyes and the smile she give is so beautiful that you would wonder why the contrast of hiding on the otherside.

Viewing the whole place the couple were mesmerized by its beauty, both sad and torn with all the paintings. They just can't help but feel the beauty and life in the painter's eye. Then lastly two distinct and separated paintings were nailed high, it was a beautiful woman on her wedding dress, her laugh were so beautiful that you could almost imagine her sweet laugh ringing in your ears. Her eyes were shining brighter than anything else and her surrounding are just insignificant to look at. The painting was beyond beautiful and life. The other one however portrays a different scene, the couple were looking at each other's eye while deeply leaning their heads together saying the unsaid words and promises of forever. They held hands and its undeniable that the silverlike glitters in their fingers shows that their life would start and end with each others arm.

The painting were unexceptionally beautiful and they so want to buy it but the huge not for sale banner already told them not to waste the effort.

They already want to sulk for such a waste of potential and instead took another painting for themselves. Something painted with love too, a painting that the creator painted with fond memories. The cherry blossoms.

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