a very sad story

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Vroom... It was like a death zone, bombs dropping, and cries of tear.    

 I brush the sands out of my eyes with my shirt’s long sleeve; I’m pleased grateful for that my arm was still attached to me, although my clothes were bitterly burnt from the incident. Staring straight at the blazing heated sky, I saw two Arial Bomber jets flying off; “they must have been the cause” the word was like bitter metal in my mouth. I had to block the sun with my hand to see what was left. Blocking the sun intense ray was the only way I could manage to look straight at my cloudless, dessert town surrounding. The aftermath was painful to watch, but I was old enough not to cry, but intelligent enough to know why. The remain of bombed crumble coffee shops, and hotel sign dangling off of a scattered formally plated bricks was all that we could see. Why? We were in the mist of Libya war against the world. The year was 2014, America had trip accidently into another war, to make matter worse this whole incident could have been avoided...

 Several hours earlier...

My mother was cooking her famous soup, and my little sister was watching her cook, so she could learn what she can about being a good wife before being traded off in marriage. My sister was a sweet ten year old angel; it was expected of a girl her age to be preparing to become a decent wife. Being able to cook was one of the preparations. I was a rebellious 16 year old boy; my expectation was to serve my country by force into the Egyptian United Army.  The government force army recruitment was like hot sauce on my tongue. If I accepted the fact and play along as their solider than everything would be less of pain; than to if I resist the E.U.A, hiding and refusing to join their puppet parade, than the pain would be un-bearable. Having hot sauce pour in your eyes would have been a compliment, rather than joining to protect the life of them. They treat us civilian as their garbage. Blocking all our needs of water and food to be given to the army, they made military power imperial to civilization. Egypt was to become the new North Korea in the eastern world soon. But, to live in North Korea would have been a refuge than to be here. Education and jobs were cut off to pay off the government expense, but really our country leader was just a coward, wanting nothing to do with his people, but to save his behind from getting assassinated. The man hides behind bodies of innocent people who are force to protect him. Vroom! Vroom! The noise came coming from a jet engine, blowing tremendous gust of dust into our mud house. “Hurry we need to get in the basement and out of here!” my dad said running up from the basement to us. The women’s and kids were first granted down the basement. Boom! Boom! I look back seeing a mushroom of explosion out of the window. “What are you doing dad!” dad, giving me a quick hug, than letting go to push me into the basement with my mother and sister; he close the basement door just in time before a heated explosion erupt. “We were all crying and deeply wounded from my dad bravery. The bomb shelter basement my dad work so hard creating was no more than a hole in the ground after I woke up from being knock out by the gusting sand due to the explosion. The whole mud house was blown away and crumpled to it original dirt form. I had to dig my way out of the sand that had covered me by the explosion. Nobody was in sight from where I was sitting. Suddenly I spotted a male hand, as I move in and dug out the remain of the body. I pause my digging, noticing the hammer exact hammer my dad held when ordering us into the basement. I stop digging right before unveiling the head of the bury body...  The constant buzzing in my ear had started to go away, from the loud jet engine roaring by earlier. I search while crying to find of any hope of my family around the village. I was rewarded later to a soft cry from a little girl. The cry leads me to another mud house that had not been hit severly like my hut was destroyed. I found her crying under a bed, a lady witch I would believe be her mom was laying face down on the ground. I was about to poke the women, until I notice a stick stabbing into her stomach hidden under the women body blood stain the nearby sand. I move slowly and to show respect cover the girl mom with a blanket I found near her on the floor. I gave the girl my hand and my most innocent eye I could mange. She wasn't my little sister, nor did I knew her, but I felt a moral duty to help her. she wiped her tears and followed me out under the bed. We walked around the village, not once exchanging a word.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2011 ⏰

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