Chapter 15 : Sorry!!

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"𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒄𝒐-𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏."

"Have you checked it thoroughly this time? I don't want even a single mistake like before." Akhil spoke to the other person on call while tying his wrist watch which seemed in no mood to agree with him.

Holding his phone between his ear and shoulder he went to the kitchen. Preeti was packing their lunch boxes when she turned towards Akhil. He forwarded his hand and gestured towards his watch.

Preeti clasped the watch properly and resumed her work without even looking at him.


"Don't forget to have your lunch!!" Preeti ordered whilst getting down from the car.

"I'll try not to." Akhil replied starting the engine. He had to reach office early as there was bunch of work load for him.

It's been around one week of their marriage and neither of them had enough time to relax down.

Preeti frowned entering the office as she realized one-fourth of the team hasn't yet reached.
"Ugghh... I'll have to teach them some punctuality. "
She already had a sore mood and the work load was not doing any good to her.

On the other hand Akhil too was having a hectic time at the office. It was only at the lunch time when he had some time to spare.
Sleeves rolled up, his coat hugging his chair, exhausted he deep sighed sitting in his cabin.

'Call me whenever you're free'. Preeti had texted him an hours ago.
A smile formed on his face and his fingers immediately dialed her number.

Preeti picked up at the fifth ring.
"Hello?" She more asked.

"Heyy!! " There wasn't a hint of tiredness in his voice now.
May be that's how you feel while talking to your favorite person.

"Akhil?" Preeti checked the caller ID.
She picked up the call without even glancing at her phone.

"Yeah? Were you expecting someone else? "

"Uhh.. No... Anyways.. How's the day going? Did you have lunch?"

"Super exhausting!! What about yours? "

"Same here. My head will explode now. Now tell me did you have lunch?" Preeti asked again.

"Uhh... Not yet. I'll have it once I'm done with the work."

"That means you won't have it right. I know you well Akhil. Once you're busy with work you won't eat anything."

"Uhh.. Yeah.. There's bunch of work.... " he couldn't complete as Preeti interrupted now completely irritated.

"No fine it's OK. Don't have it. Keep starving. Let the food and my efforts go to waste."

"Preeti.... I-I was busy. If I get time I'll have it baba. Now don't fuss about this issue."

"It's OK Akhil. It's already past 2. I know you won't eat now. Do whatever you want. Also arrange for your own dinner today cz I'm not cooking!!" Preeti vent out her irritation and hung the call.

Akhil just stared at the phone bewildered. Preeti had never reacted like that before, but before he could react to the situation he had to leave for another team meeting.

'The number you're trying to call is not answering'. Akhil heard the same voice speak for the 6th time. It was evening time and Akhil was leaving for home.
He tried to call Preeti but all his calls went unanswered.

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