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Note:: the content in this novel may not be suitable for every reader, read it on your own risk.
Hope you enjoy.

It appeared to be haunted dusk, thunder roared and lightning splashed as the sky wailed. The road was empty, no wagon was visible till a long way except for one.

MH 01 AH 0424

A taxi silently made its way over the clammy road, steering aimlessly as the driver wandered on the dreadful lone roads, finding just one spot. A spot where she could not be spotted. Soon she saw a seashore, driving her way till there.

"This would probably be over after this," she thought to herself while she parked the vehicle and made her way to the trunk of the car. There she pulled up a corpse, covered with fresh red blood, eyes open as big as a globe, staring right into the woman's eyes. She ignored the dead balls staring at her and continued to drag the body out and into the bank of the water.

One after the other, she pulled a total of five dead bodies out and left them at the seaside believing the brine would swallow up her crimes. She stepped into the water and rinsed her hands which were plugged with blood, her attire was draped as well but she didn't pester about it lately. She glimpsed back at all the bodies again before deciding to flee.

She was about to get back to the taxi when she heard someone cough, she stiffened in her place, incapable to think straight, rage filled her veins as she pulled a rod from the car, even the steel rod shone red with blood gurgled over it, she made her way towards the corpses, grimacing at the one man breathing in the puddle of the corpse
"You won't die easily, huh?" She muttered before trudging over the corpses and stabbing the rod exactly into the man's chest, fresh crimson blood splashed over her face as she glared at the now dead man with so much resentment, the lighting splashed as the thunder roared as if the sky was enraged with the woman.

She finally vacated, steering away from the city, as far as possible.

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