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1. Thing you can't leave the house without


2. Favorite brand of makeup

*I am not so fond of makeup so I really don't know any brands

3. Favorite Flowers

*Calendula, Cosmos , Marigold

4. Favorite clothing stores

*I don't really have any stores that are my 'favourite' . I just wear anything that makes me look modest and comfortable at all times.

5.Favourite perfume

*Again, I don't have any favorite perfume. I just opt for something that doesn't smell Strong or sweet.

6. Heels or flats

*flats(Sneakers )

7. Do you make good grades

*Alhamdulillah (all praises to Allah[God] )

8. Favorite Colours

*Black , Blue, Grey, Yellow, Golden, Green, White, Orange, Pink, Brown

9. Do you drink energy drinks

*used to until I turned 14

10. Do you drink juice

*Depends on the flavour

11. Do you like Swimming

*No, have been always sacred of water

12. Do you eat fries with fork

*At home , just eat with my hands
Outside, I simply follow Etiquettes /manners and eat with a fork

13. What is your favorite Moisturizer

*Have no favourites , use those that my skin accepts and I feel comfortable with

14. Do you want to get Married later on in life

*Will see if it is a trand hahahaah
Tbh, I don't know

15. Do you get Mad easily

*i get pissed off if I am being disturbed while eating or sleeping

16. Are you into Ghost haunting


17. Any Phobias


18. Do you bite you nails

*used to when I was nervous as a kid, but not anymore

19. Have you ever had a near death experience


20. Do you drink Coffee

* Yes, 4 times a day.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2022 ⏰

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