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'Okay, you guys have everything?' Siem asked worriedly eyeing his friends.

Lize, Bo and Suzie all nodded excessively, either rolling their eyes or smiling at his concern.

They were stood in the airport of Amsterdam, saying goodbye to Siem before flying back to New York.

Lize found it difficult having to leave one of her best friends behind once again. It just made her heart ache.

She worried about him, having to be on his own. She worried about herself, having to deal with the difficult things without him close.

'Alright, okay.' Siem fiddled with his fingers as he looked down. 'I'll miss you all. Don't forget about me alright?' He joked as he hugged Suzie and Bo tightly. Suzie looked him on the eyes sincerely, thankful for their new friendship.

Bo rubbed his knuckles playfully on Siems head. 'Dude, don't even think about it.' He said as Siem attempted to shove him away with a slight smile.

'We could never forget about our cheese loving, goat obsessed goofball!' Suzie added to Bo's statement.

'Seriously though, get rid of Milo I mean it.' Bo points at his friend in a threatening manner. 'Goats are not supposed to be living in student houses!' He pokes his pointer finger in his friends chest as he emphasizes every word.

Lize just stands on the side, watching them tease each other. Before she even noticed she had tears brimming in her eyes.

The others clearly noticed. 'Alright, we'll be over there yeah?' Bo said, grabbing Suzie by the arm, trying to give his other two friends some time to say goodbye.

'We'll wait for you, then go through security." Suzie whispered to Lize before they walked away.

Siem immediately turned to his dear friend, grabbing her softly by the shoulders, his thumbs stroking her neck.

'Don't cry Li.' He said softly.

She sniffled. 'I'm not.' Lize said as she turned her face to the roof of the airport, as if her tears would suck back into her eyes.

'You'll be alright.' He assured her. 'As will I.' He added with a crooked smile, thinking of Lize worrying about him being alone. 

The tall boy pushed Li into his chest by her shoulders, squeezing her as he leaned his chin on top of her head. Lize reacted to it immediately, snuggling into his chest. As an automatic response Siem buries his face into her curls, savoring her familiar smell.

'I love you to death you know.' Lize's voice could be heard, muffled against her friends chest. 

Siem snickered, still hugging her. 'Well I am a very lovable person.' He then replied. 

Li snorts upon hearing his words, creating some space between them again and stomping his shoulder jokingly. 

'Ouch!' He reacts offendedly. 'I love you too, you know.' He then says, still lightly laughing. 'Even though you punch me sometimes.' He adds with a fake frown. 

'Well, obviously.' Li says with a big eye roll, a mischievous smile gracing her lips. 

'I'm so glad to see you smiling again Li.' Siem expresses, his face falling into a serious expression.  

Lize's eyes flicker, thinking back to how she had felt a few weeks ago. 'It wasn't that bad.' She tried to make her friend feel better. 

'Bo heard you crying in your room every night.' Siem immediately says, deadpanning. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2022 ⏰

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