Chapter 26 - Sleepover 🔞

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Emily knocked on the door of Yoongi’s room, a little hesitant to walk inside without his permission

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Emily knocked on the door of Yoongi’s room, a little hesitant to walk inside without his permission. Besides, the last time she’d been in here, Yoongi had blatantly kissed her and she was constantly thinking about it ever since she’d left the room to come here. Just the thought of him being close to her again like that made her all giddy.

There hadn’t been many people doing that to her. Well, the occasional man that knew how to turn her gears just the right way. And then, like Mina referred, Dante. With all his seductive talking and smooth ways of making her think he truly loved her.

In all truth, she didn’t know Yoongi that much. He was always the one to go after her, sometimes just sitting beside her on the couch dozing off while she read. It was strange, like he was simply enjoying her presence.

The one thing she knew about him, though, was that his mother had sold him off as a child, and that he had gone through a phase of bloodlust before Jin found him.

Figuring she wouldn’t get an answer, Emily turned and took a couple of steps in the hall, before stopping and groaning a little while she ruffled up her hair.

What if Yoongi wasn’t actually interested in her and was maybe just… wanting to get laid? Maybe, everyone wanted that, she wouldn’t judge. But, if that was the deal, then why did he seek to be with her, right? Emily turned again and looked at the door… perhaps he was asleep and didn’t hear her knock?

Groaning a little in frustration, she walked back to the door and knocked lightly again. Again, no answer. What was up with men not answering their door…


Emily called softly at the same time she turned the knob and opened the door just a smidge so she could look around.

Yoongi’s room was as large as the others, with his own private closet and on suite. His walls were an emerald green wallpaper, with light green leaves all around it, and dark wood furniture. Much like the other rooms, his had a massive king size bed, with a tall frame and posts, and a delicate veil over the frame of the bed. Emily took a step inside and saw a big desk with a computer on it, along with a contraption full of buttons and sliding buttons all over it. What made her even more curious was the keyboard on top of the desk.

Closing the door behind herself, Emily glanced towards the bathroom, seeing the door open and the area empty. Still not able to find him, she went towards the closet now, remembering his gun that had stayed on top of the desk in her own room. Right, she hadn’t used the thing… but it had been Yoongi’s way of protecting her.

Perhaps that warmed her chest a little.

But Yoongi wasn’t in the closet either. Figuring he was somewhere else in the house, Emily started to make her way back to the room, decided on leaving. Her eyes caught the glimpse of a photograph on a shelf, however, and she stopped to look.

It was a picture of the seven guys, all together and smiling wide at the camera. It seemed recent, probably taken in the 2000s, seeing as the clothing seemed proper for such a time. Jin had his arm around Namjoon’s neck, both smiling wide. Yoongi was beside Jimin, ruffling up his hair, while Hoseok seemed to have jumped on top of Jungkook’s back and was then messing up his black hair as well. Taehyung surprised her… he was smiling too, as relaxed as she had never seen him. The guy always seemed a bit too stern and on edge, even when near his brothers.

Jungkook was smiling really big as well, which he only seemed to do for Amelia as of late. They all looked so young, colorful… full of so much life. And yet, now Jungkook had to deal with his mate being in the situation she was in.

Her fingers traced Yoongi’s features on the picture.

He seemed so relaxed and happy…

“I knew my room was smelling particularly nice- “

“Sweet baby Jesus! Yoongi!”

He chuckled deep in his throat from his place at the door, where he was leaning on. Yoongi had felt Emily’s peachy scent as soon as he approached the door to his room. And he had been fairly amused to see her in her pink, short sleeved shirt and white pajama pants with stripes, standing in the middle of his room. She was barefoot and had her hair loose in those mahogany waves, her round specks slipping on the bridge of her nose.

She looked fucking endearing, god damn it!

Emily released a breath and glanced at him, annoyed.

“Was that really necessary?!”

“To see you react like that? Yeah, it was.”


She took a peak at him, seeing him walk inside the room fully now, closing the door behind him. He was in cotton sweatpants and a loose black shirt, his blonde hair messed with and his skin flawlessly smooth and pale.

“Did you need anything?” He asked, one hand going to his pocket and the other scratching his neck.


Yoongi frowned “If you need anything.”

“Why would I need anything?”

“You’re in my room… not that I’m complaining, but you’re here.”

“Oh! Right… uh, sorry.” Emily cleared her throat once… twice, looking around like she had forgotten where she was. She fiddled with the hem of her shirt, while Yoongi smirked, thoroughly amused “I was hoping we could talk.”

He leaned on the post of the bed, now, and Emily nearly groaned. This was difficult as it was, but now Yoongi looked like a whole ass meal with that v neck and his messy hair.

“What about?”

“You- uh, well, me and you. Us. Kissing. Why did you kiss me?”

Yoongi snorted at her nervousness, starting to walk back to stand in front of her, his arms crossed. Emily went a little stiff, taking in his figure and how he suddenly seemed so intimidating. He hummed, eyes drifting to her blue ones.

“Ever since you waltzed in this house, I’ve been dying to kiss those lips of yours. And today, I couldn’t resist.” He mumbled, getting impossibly close and raising one hand to feather the back of his index finger over her bottom lip.

Crap, his hands… only the Goddess knew how much Emily was wanting that hand around her neck.


To her whisper, Emily saw his brown eyes shift and darken, a strange seriousness she wasn’t used to seeing clouding his look and making him seem almost scary.

“Because I’m attracted to you, Em. I love being near you. It’s taking a lot out of me to not push you against the wall and kiss you silly.”

Oddly enough, her fear didn’t cloud her vision and her anxiety didn’t have her sweating buckets. Her body warmed up at his words. Yoongi seemed so serious and determined that she believed him straight away. It was like her body was suddenly wired to respond and obey every little thing he said.

This was dangerous… Mina was right, Yoongi wasn’t Dante. But how could she possibly assume he wouldn’t try to do the same as Dante did? Things weren’t so simple and clear.

“I’m… not sure that’s appropriate.” She breathed out, closing her eyes momentarily when he traced the outline of her lip with his thumb now, wetting his own on reflex.

“Really? Why is that?” Yoongi grumbled, his raspy, deep voice travelling all the way to the middle of her legs.

Oh, boy…

“I… I’ll have to leave, after Amelia is healed.” She spoke in breaths, a little concerned that his touch alone was depriving her of coherent speech “And… we should probably- oh, my god…”

“Keep going.” He whispered, at the same time he lowered his fingers to her throat and trailed the spot where her vein was.

“We should focus on getting her powers… Amelia’s powers back.”

By now, Yoongi was using his other hand to slightly tilt her head back, so he could use his fingers to move down her neck and to her collarbones, the soft skin like silk in his fingertips. An overwhelming urge to bite her neck took over, his fangs throbbing in his mouth. He didn’t need to feed. He’d done that downstairs just a few moments ago.

He wanted to mark Emily.

“I don’t see how one has to do with the other.” Yoongi mumbled, slowly pulling his hands back and placing his hands in both pockets “I’m pretty focused.”

Emily was clearly aggravated by the lack of contact. Her cheeks flushed beautifully and she seemed a bit fidgety. It was when Yoongi inhaled casually that he noticed. The scent of arousal… Emily was aroused.

Amused, and now worried he’d flash her a hard on, Yoongi went to the side of the bed he liked the most and sat down.

“I think you girls need to loosen up sometimes, you know? Especially you.”

Emily opened her eyes wide and parted her lips in offense.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” She asked, hands flying to her hips as she questioned him.

“It means you’re always too uptight, Em. Tense and worried about every little thing.”

“Well, I’m sorry if I’m worried about my baby sister’s health!” She countered, her temper starting to flare now that his words were hitting a particularly soft topic.

“That’s not what I meant, Emily.”

When his voice was deep with seriousness and face set in a frown, Emily almost scolded herself. Of course that wasn’t what he meant. Yoongi had proven, right from the start, that he and his brothers were worried about Amelia. Hence why everyone was so adamant in helping the Witches find the young woman’s powers.

“Sorry… I know you didn’t meant it like that.” She ended up mumbling, embarrassed at her own conclusions.

“See? You can barely take a joke.”

“I know… “ Emily groaned, rubbing her eyes from under her glasses “Its just, I hate how Mina sometimes doesn’t seem to take anything seriously, and then things haven’t been working out well. I can’t do anything to help, either, and it’s eating at me.”

When she glanced back at him, Yoongi had the smallest of smiles in his lips, brown eyes focused on her every move, head tilted as he did.


“Nothing. Your eyes light up when you talk about them.”

Emily was a little speechless, not expecting those to be his words. She cleared her throat, scratching the side of her head and using her fingers to ruffle up her waves of brown hair. She forced a smile and glanced at him.

“They’re my sisters. I love them with my whole being.” She said, a determination in her blue eyes that Yoongi had only seen when the woman had walked inside the warehouse, some time ago. But there was something else there, as well. Love… pure, undoubted, raw love.

“Even Lucy?”

“Especially Lucy. She took care of us her whole life. More than anything, she’s my big sister. I think at some point she was a mother to Amelia. But seeing as we spend so much time together, eventually she outgrew that status.”

“You see her as an equal, right?”


Yoongi smiled, sitting down on the bed with both his legs bent at the knee and his arms supported on top of them, back leaning on the headboard. He patted the comforters in front of him, inviting Em to sit down, before he comfortably leaned back.

Emily was a little flustered, nervous, as she made her way towards the bed and carefully sat down beside him. Her whole body was stiff with tension and he seemed to notice.

“I don’t bite, you know? Not too hard, at least…”

Sweet Lady in the night sky, have mercy…

“I’m not scared of you, if that’s what you’re implying.” She mumbled, blushing a little.

“Well, I don’t think you would have walked in here so freely if you were.”

“I still don’t get it, why are you attracted to me again?”

He shrugged, extending one hand to grab one wavy lock of her hair and smooth this thumb over the silky strands.

“I’m not quite sure, to be honest. But I don’t really think too much of it. What? Don’t tell me you have that complex of thinking your sister is better- "

Emily snorted loudly and laughed, her hand flying to her mouth as if to force herself to stay shut. She was still giggling when she finally was able to talk.

“I’m sorry, but that was hilarious. That bitch wishes! I love Mina, my guy, and I’ve long ago accepted how different we are. None of us is better than the other.” Emily said, smiling still and shaking her head “Besides, I’m the brain between us two.”

“Ah! So you’re smarter.”

“Not entirely, I just read a lot. But Mina is too temperamental and impulsive. I’m a bit more logical.”

Yoongi smiled when hearing her talk, starting to draw himself a little bit closer to her without Emily noticing. Her scent intensified only a bit when he touched her hair. This could be dangerous… Yoongi had been trying to be as polite and take things as slow as he could, but being this close to her was testing his composure.

“Amelia said your magic’s compliment each other, or something. How’s that?” He asked, not just because he was curious, but also because he wanted to keep hearing her talk.

“Well… sometimes it happens that there are two Witches with opposing magic. Their magic is the perfect combination of yin and yang, two sides of the same coin. Me and Mina are like that. Hers is wild, unruly and based on her own emotions. Mina can control them easier, though, as long as she is stable.” Emily sighed and looked down at her hands before speaking again “Mine, though… Lucy says my magic is like a controlled fire. It’s stable and well behaved but it takes only a small thing, like not having Mina near me, to lose control over it.”

Yoongi frowned, stopping the movements of his fingers on her hair.
“What do you mean?”

“Mina's presence is what keeps me stable and in control of my magic. We’re too attached, I think. That’s why I lost control over the ritual back at the warehouse and Amelia had to pull me out of it.”

Interesting… and a little ominous. If something were to happen to any of them, the other would most likely go insane with grief.

“I’ll have to make sure you’re both well, huh?”


“I told you, Em, you and Mina are like a package. If I’m interested in you and want to know you as you are, I should know Mina as well. She’s a part of you, isn’t she?”

Emily looked beside herself. She wasn’t surprised to see Yoongi so close to herself, his minty scent had given him away a while ago. She had been doing her best to not focus too much on the feeling of his hands on her hair, but by now it was complicated to ignore and her skin was already asking to be touched as well.

Looking at him this close, Emily took a little more time to appreciate his features. His eyes were dark and sharper, lips plush and pink, almost too soft to look natural. And they were perfectly even, too. She liked the way his blond hair made his skin almost too pale, now sitting against his eyebrows and lids.

She felt her face heat up a little when noticing how she was still staring into Yoongi’s lips.

“Uh… yeah. She is.”

“Well, there you have it. It’s double the work, but it's worth it.” He mumbled, voice dropping a few octaves and creating ripples of goosebumps all around her skin.

She stared still, watching with a little clench in her stomach when he passed his tongue over his bottom lip, wetting it, and his eyes glued to her own moth.


“Will you kiss me? And properly, this time.”

In his mouth, the sketch of a smirk appeared, right before his right hand slid beneath her hair, to cup her neck in a dominant manner, so he could lead her mouth to his.

Her lips were even better than what he remembered, sweet and plush, with the most amazing soft texture. Her mouth fit perfectly against his, molding together as soon as he began to lead the kiss and move his lips on hers.

Emily sighed when Yoongi placed his other hand on the other side of her neck, his thumb pressing against the place where her vein was, at the same time his tongue slid inside her mouth languidly.

He pulled her closer, amused that Emily barely resisted and simply allowed her body to be pulled flush to his chest, her legs on each side of his thighs. The moment her hands slip up his shoulders and her fingers delved into his hair, Yoongi couldn’t help but groan deeply against her lips.

In the haze of her brain, whimpering into his mouth when she felt his hands slide up her thighs, Emily was suddenly feeling too heated between her legs and her mind was slowly becoming more and more cloudy. Yoongi’s tongue in her mouth felt like hot velvet, his hands sturdy and firm as they squeezed her ass. At this point she was desperate to start grinding her middle to his, knowing he was now hard in his sweats.

His lips suddenly detached from hers, and Yoongi was now kissing her jaw, her neck, where Em was now hoping he would bite, tongue passing over her vein, and then he was nipping at her collarbone. When one of his hands travelled through her torso, only to squeeze her breast in his palm firmly, she rolled her eyes closed while moaning loudly. That was when he slowed down, his hand retrieving from her chest, and his lips kissing her neck a couple of times before Yoongi leaned his forehead on her jaw.

He was out of breath when he spoke again.

“Sorry… we should probably slow down.” He whispered, arms now surrounding her in a soft embrace.


Yoongi chuckled, amused, and nuzzled Emily’s neck to cuddle close to her.

“I’m trying to be a gentleman, here, don’t try me.”

Emily giggled, a low, purring sound that had him wanting to go back to kissing her and potentially throw her down on the bed to grind his hips against hers. But he was behaving and would do his best-

“Can I stay here, with you?”

Fuck, now what?!

Emily started to trace patterns on the back of his neck with the tips of her fingers, her cheek poised on top of his head as she did. Her words started to sink in.

“Wait, spend the day here?”

He felt her nod against himself. Now, that one part of him that was happy and excited about this simply wanted to jump around with joy, because Yoongi truly wanted to stay like this with Emily. But there was also that one part of him that was only thinking of the possibilities of having Emily in between his sheets, close to him, her warmth so near his skin…

“If you don’t want me to stay, it’s fine, Yoongi- “

“Stay. Please, you can stay as many times as you want.”

Emily raised her head so she could look at him properly, her face heating up with the intensity of his eyes. He was so serious that Emily almost felt the need to look away.


He finally laid down with her. He seemed to like her hands on his hair, since he seemed to relax quicker. Emily was now laying down on her back, with his arms around her torso, Yoongi on top of herself as he cuddled close to her chest.

“Can you tell me about yourself? I don’t know anything about you… “ Emily asked, voice a little hopeful as she looked down at him.

“As long as I can stay this close to your boobs, sure. And if you tell me about yourself, as well, that would be nice.” He grumbled low, the evidence of a smile playing in his words.

Emily released a breathy laughter, relaxing on the bed as she agreed.

“What do you wanna know?” He asked, sighing and closing his eyes.

“You said your mother sold you as a slave… did you end up with humans?”
Yoongi raised his head and glanced at her, eyes softening when he saw how curious hers were, hopeful that he would open up about this.

“No… I ended up working in a Witch household. I think she had a Coven, like you guys. Sometimes other women would show up, they performed rituals. I remember one of them being nice to me, I think she liked kids. It was fine, there. No one treated me wrong, I was fed and only had to clean up stuff. The head maid was asked to teach me how to read and such.”

“So you liked it there?”

“Yeah, it was fine. They left when I was sixteen. The Witch moved away and took the maids with her. When she asked if I wanted to go as well, I said no. I regretted that not long after. I changed alone, didn’t have anyone to help me through the transition and the result was me going on a bloodlust streak.”

“And then you met Jin?”

“Namjoon, actually. I’m older than the guy by a few years but be was the one to help me through the bloodlust. Afterwards I met Jin.”

“But why did you choose to not leave with that Witch?”

“I think I wanted my own freedom. I thought I was just her kitchen boy and that was all. But I think she was genuinely concerned with me. I met her again a few years after I met Joon and Jin, it was nice.”

“What was her name? Maybe I know her…”

“Ji Eun. She was tiny, you know, a cute little shorty with long black hair. I think she’s the reason I don’t resent my mom for selling me off. She couldn’t take care of me, didn’t have the conditions for it. But Ji Eun did, I guess.”

“Sorry, I’ve never heard of her…”

Yoongi chuckled “I wasn’t expecting you to.”

“Well, yeah, but she took care of you.”

“I’m grateful that she did. But it’s okay, you don’t have to know her. If we have to meet again in the future it’ll be by coincidence.”

Emily hummed, mulling over his words. It would’ve been nice to have Yoongi meet this Ji Eun again… all things considered, she didn’t have to be good to him, to care for his education or anything. But she did. And for some odd reason Emily felt grateful to her.

“Oi…” His grumpy call for her drove Emily’s attention back down to his face. He was forcing a pout and frowning “Your turn.”

Emily smiled a little and began to talk. She explained to him about her parents, how her mother had been horribly sick after giving birth, never healing back from it, and how her health deteriorated further more along the years. Yoongi was frowning by the time Emily mentioned the death of her mother and her father going insane and committing suicide not long after.

She told him what it was like to grow up in Versailles, how the French court was, what Marie Antoinette was like, the things she learned and how Lucy always kept them traveling around Europe to keep their identities safe. She told him about the day Lucy had brought home a small little baby, with honey gold eyes and dark hair, that cried too much but seemed to like Mina’s smell. Amelia’s mother, who supposedly died at child birth, and that Lucy said had been a friend of hers.

“I remember Lucy crying the next few nights. She barely left her room, didn’t eat properly and really only took care of Amelia. Me and Mina didn’t know what to do. I guessed that she was a close friend of Amelia’s mother, but then again, me and Mina don’t really like to question Lucy about things. She keeps things secret for a reason.”

Yoongi was attentive when listening of how Amelia liked to have Lucy singing her to sleep as a child. He was fascinated with how much love Emily spoke about her sisters. Her blue eyes were vibrant and glinting with pure joy.

Her voice was getting slower, though, her tone dropping a little and her eyes getting heavy with tiredness.

“I’ve never been to Korea… Amelia really wants to go to Asia, as well.” She mumbled, blinking slowly as she looked up to the ceiling.

“Jin used to have properties there, but I think his cousin sold them. I think he was pretty pissed at Taemin, if I remember. Doesn’t talk to him anymore, even. Does Lucy still have properties in France?- “

Looking up, he saw her asleep, her breathing steady and deep, while her lips were parting slightly.

Yoongi couldn’t help it. He stared.

Her hair was like a pool of liquid chocolate on top of his pillows, that sweet peachy scent coming from it. And her milky skin, sprinkled with soft freckles was flushed at the cheeks and nose. She had fallen asleep with her hands on his hair, her fingers now going lax against him, while her chest moved up and down with her breathing.

A soft, cozy warmth surrounded him all over, his chest feeling like he could burst at any moment. Hell… this was overwhelming, but it felt amazing. Back when Jin had explained to him about Witches and how they were meant to mate vampires, he had mentioned something about the feeling of being home when with them.

Back then, Yoongi hadn’t realized how Jin could possibly know such things. Now he knew it was because of Lucy. And Yoongi was now feeling it first hand. Emily was his… his mate.

Ever so carefully, he raised himself and pulled her closer, so that she was the one grabbing onto him. Her arms instantly wrapped around his torso, a small grunt leaving her chest as she snuggled her nose close to his chest.

Yoongi stayed like that for the longest time, listening to her breathe and occasionally release a little hum in contentment.

It was after a couple of hours, when he was near to falling asleep, that something surprised him.

“…nte. No… Dante.”

It was just a small little mumble, so low and quiet that the human ear wouldn’t be able to understand it. But Yoongi did. And his brows stitched into a frown, confused, as he studied her own frown and pressed lips. But Emily was already relaxing quietly into the bed again, going back to sleeping soundly.
He kissed her forehead and cuddled her close, still restless.

Who ever this Dante was better leave his girl’s dreams quickly.

~Sass 😘

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