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The work day ends at 6pm. I stayed an extra hour and didn't even realize it, I was so focused on organizing Mr. Bieber notes, memos, and paperwork. Now here is Mr. Bieber, ready to tell me off. What the hell did I even do wrong? Is overtime really that costly?

"Nice to see you're still here. I need you to sort out these files."  He says, placing a stack on my desk. "Oh and call the Company CERX and cancel my meeting with them tomorrow." He finished, turning to leave my office.

"Why? I was off the clock an hour ago."

"I don't care." He sighs, still looking away from me. He runs his hands through his gelled hair and spoke again. "Just do it. I promise that it'll count for your paycheck."

I huffed and plopped back down into my chair.

"Oh and you might want to hurry. Today's a short day, so that means they close everything in about," he paused to look at his watch, "30 minutes. And there is no way out until the next morning." Even turned away from me, I can still feel his slug smirk being plastered across his handsome face.

No matter, "I can't do this in half an hour Mr. Bieber." I tell him, looking at the 2 inch thick bundle of papers he threw on my desk.

"You better do it, or its your fault." And with that, he finally leaves my office.

I quickly did everything Mr. Bieber asked with four minutes to spare. I quickly threw on my coat and went to Mr. Bieber's office. I put them on his desk and walked out.


When I finally got home, I threw off my shoes and coat and I plowed down on my couch.

I felt so tired, more tired than a person running 2 marathons in a row. Right when I was about to fall into the darkness, my phone rings.

"Hello?" I said unsure who was calling.

"Hello. Miss Jade. I had forgotten to tell you that there is a neighbor to be concerned about." Oh, the man I called earlier about the new apartment.

"Oh?" I ask. Curious as to what this neighbor did so bad that the Landlord has to warn me about him.

"He is kind of short tempered and he isn't a fan of loud noises, but he always makes them with females. Is this something that could easily bother you? If so, but I'm sorry this is the only one bedroom we have open."

"Yeah, honestly that's fine." I tell him, "It's better than living here."

"Well then, if you're sure" The man said over the phone, "We can get you in to do some paperwork and you can be ready to move in by tomorrow. Whenever you have time, just come down to the front office and we can start the process."

"Okay perfect! I will need a few days to get my things right, and be able to move. Will I be able to come up in a few days to sign the lease?"

"Sure, that's fine Miss. Jade. I'll let my coworkers know you'll be coming in soon. Have a great night." He says, and i externally smile at the thought of this conversation being done.

I didn't even say goodnight to the stranger. I just ended to call and fell right asleep.


All the boxes were finally packed and I was ready to leave. After a year of living here, I was eager to move out of this dump I called home. Oh well, time goes and new things come.

Thank god the mover man was nice enough to let me ride in the mover with him. The new apartment was a bit closer to the my job so that was already something to like about it. After maybe a five minute drive, we arrived at these blue and black looking apartments. I looked like very rich people live here but the rent wasn't too expensive. I guess there are a variety of different size apartments here.

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