Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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It's not a great idea to steal from one of the most powerful people in the world. You'd have to be really desperate, or really stupid to even think about the notion.

But I suppose that's why I'm here- somehow The Chairman had enough reason to suspect a theft of his most prized possession.

To be the holder of a gem, so legendary and unique in its likeness, is an instant one-way ticket to power.

I'm standing in front of steel doors, one hundred feet underground, trying to stifle a yawn. Me and my twin sister Iva, who were hired by aforementioned Chairman, are here to protect his gem.

It's been a month since I've been on the job, and there hasn't even been a single fly down here, let alone a "supposed" secret guild trying to steal this jewel.

However, I'm not here to question some rich guy's habits, I'm here for a paycheck.

"Amber Eleanor Hornfels, did I just see you yawn? Slacking on the job, tsk tsk." Iva pokes her head down from the top of the spiraling marble staircase leading to the vault. She then proceeds to backflip two flights above me, and strikes a pose when she lands. Her honey colored hair is pulled back into two tiny pigtails, and her cheeks are pink from excitement.

I yawn again, and step aside. "Your shift now, I presume?" She nudges me with her elbow, grinning.

"See you in a few."


Surprisingly, the weather is nice today. Ever since we arrived, there been nothing but nonstop rain. Heck, apparently it even rains in the wintertime. I don't get how people live here.

The gentle slosh of the mule cart makes its way to my ears. From my position, perched up in a tree, I can see the vehicle make its way towards us, cargo in tow.

"Get down from that tree, idiot! You're gonna fall and break neck- and then I'm gonna be stuck with your chores."

I roll my eyes, and hop down from the tree.

"So, is pretty-boy in the back?" I ask, wondering if Crow managed to pull it off. Crow, who's driving the cart, jumps off his seat and lands beside me.
"He's been a surprisingly good passenger. Hasn't made much of a fuss."

I look at Crow, with his sleek black hair, shadowy but sharp eyes, and lean, muscular build. Easily, he towers over me, and must be 6'7" minimum. I'm not surprised that the prince didn't do anything, Crow's more than intimidating.

We bring the prince inside our hideout, and are joined by the rest of the guild. Greetings ring out, and I try and stay near Crow.

"Hey guys."
"OW you stepped on my fo-"
"Dude you did it!"

Crow claps his hands, and everyone falls silent. The only noise that can be heard is the fabric of his hooded cloak swishing.

"Ladies, gents, and those who are addressed as neither, I am happy to tell you that I have made it out alive and in one piece." Laughter ripples through the crowd.

"As you know, I was tasked with...retrieving our lovely Prince Arthur over here, and I have done so, very well, if I do say so myself." Crow reaches over and pulls off the prince's blindfold.

Prince Arthur's skin is pale and ashen, but his jaw is set. However, Crow doesn't touch his gag. He points to me instead.

"I am now proud to present to you, Jay Finch, the one we'll be putting in Arthur's place." There's applause, and I feel my heartbeat quicken.

"It is finally time for The Switch." Crow lets that sink in, and then turns to me.

"Jay, you ready?" He whispers it so softly, I almost miss it. I give him a tentative nod, and he tilts his head in my direction. I can see him sizing me up and I snort. "Suppose you two look similar enough."

Both me and Prince Arthur have features similar enough to let me take his place. Dark brown hair, dark skin, and a freckle under our right eye are traits that we both share. But, our most striking feature is bright blue eyes. His are watery and light, while mine resemble the wings of a bluejay.

Crow tosses some clothes in my general direction, which is my cue to leave.

The material is soft and heavy, embroidered with gold. Crow has chosen a cream dress shirt with a stock tie, leather pants, riding boots,, and a cape the colour of straw. Distinctly different from anything I've ever worn.

I head to an empty room, and change.


Me and Iva talk over lunch, and we dine in front of the vault (of course). Orders from The Chairman.

There hasn't been a single millisecond that this safe has been out of our sight, and I'm really starting to hate the cold, gray, lifeless tiled walls and steel.

Over lunch, me and Iva share all the best bits of gossip that we've heard around. High society has so much drama.

"Apparently Dutchess Farinkle's kid, Shortcake, wait... you know her right?"
"Yeah, I've heard about her."
"Well, the Farinkles have put her into an arranged marrige- but get this. She was caught sneaking outside their home to see someone. We don't know who yet; Shortcake hasn't spilled the beans. She's loyal, I'll give her that."
I munch noisly on an apple, and shrug.

"The nobles are always trying to put their kids in marriages. She's trying to be rebellious. There's nothing new, we've seen it all."

Iva pouts and nudges me with her elbow.

"I, for one, thought it was interesting. Let her live out her wildest romances, will you?" I poke Iva, and let her continue.

"I feel bad for the girl though, really." She pauses, and then looks at me. "Did you hear anything?"

I shrug again, but smile. "So... rumor has it that The Chairman's hosting a balllll." Iva rolls her eyes, and sighs.

"What's with nobles and their parties?"
"We can attend this time." Iva lights up, her cheeks flushed. Her honey curls bounce with energy, and I can't help but feel her excitement rub off on me.

"I'm going have soooo much fun! Do you think I'd meet someone cute there?" I give her a pointed look. "Right, and we'll guard the gem. That too."

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