Chapter 7

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Me and Amber sit, with shoulders pressed together, and our backs against the giant oak tree. It's the one me and Amber talked together in.

"I guess it's kinda awkward, with you guarding the gem, and me trying to steal it."

Amber nods, and reaches for my hand.

"Amber, I still need the gem though. I'm not going to stop trying to steal it. I  know this is going to change what we have right now. And I won't hold it against you, if you decide to hate me." Amber pauses, her eyes clouding.

"Oh, Jay, I thought you had figured it out," Amber says, squeezing my hand. "It's not real. I overheard The Chairman talking, and it turns out that this whole thing is a sham."

My hand goes limp, and I start to see red.

"The gem... isn't real?"

Four years ago, we found out that our guild leader had a chronic illness rendered her immobile, save her left index finger, and unable to speak. She rescued everyone in our guild, including me and Crow, and took us all under her wing. She was a sister to us all.

When I think of Sis, I remember butterflies and trees. Flying through the air, supported by her strong arms. My earliest memories of climbing trees are of her, hoisting me high into the branches above.

She was kind, and had a sharp mind. Our group of kids, so much like a family, evolved into the guild.

When she fell ill, everything we had ever worked on fell apart. We spent weeks looking for a cure, but to no avail. But when we heard about about gem, with it's powers, we thought that...

...just maybe we could save her.

"Jay, are you alright?" I blink, surprised by the wetness of my face.
"Amber, I'm sorry, I- this, I never wanted this," I rub at my eyes, willing the tears to go away, but they keep coming.

"You told me that apples grew over in that orchard. And there was wild asparagus too." I take deep breaths, and Amber gently squeezes my hand again.

"The eagle and her chicks live just over there," she says, pointing to a tall tree.

Amber talks about everything and nothing, and I let her voice wash over me.

"The gem was for my... family. My sister. She got sick," I say, finally calmed down enough to think properly.
"Is there anything I can do to help?" I shake my head sadly. "Then, at least let me bring her some flowers."

Within seconds, Amber's returned with a bundle of wildflowers. Handing them off to me, she gave me a quick smile. "She doesn't have allergies, right?"
"No. And thank you, I know she'll appreciate this."

Setting the flowers in a vase with water, I tap the wood slab next to my sister's bed. I push it under her left index finger, and she taps it back.

.--- .- -.-- / -.. .. -.. / -.-- --- ..- / -... .-. .. -. --. / ... --- -- . - .... .. -. --. ..--..

"Hey sis. Yeah, it's me, Jay. I brought flowers for you. It's a long story, actually."

.. / .... .- ...- . / .- / .-.. --- - / --- ..-. / - .. -- .

"I guess you do have a lot of time. Don't worry, I'll tell you about it..."

Amber is practically dragging me through the forest, her grip iron-strong on my hand.

"So, I'm taking you to meet my sister."
"She tried to shoot me!"
"Iva's not all that bad when she's not pulling a gun out on you."

I try to get out of Amber's hold, but she ruffles my hair instead.

"Nice try. I told Iva that she'd meet a good friend of mine. So, yes I may have lied a little, but it'll be fine."
"Fine?!" Amber waves me off playfully, and my jaw drops.
"Iva's pretty cool. And I'm her twin, that's saying something."

We arrive back at the vault room, and it's my first time seeing the giant steel doors. They're tall, imposing, and cold. So cold.

But the withering glare Iva gives me is even colder.

"This guy? Really? Of all the guys- when I met him, he told me he was, and I quote, 'your fairy godfather, sent to you from the twinkling stars.' Of all the people on this planet, him?" Iva is bursting with questions, many of which are directed at me.

Amber stifles a giggle. I blush. Amber turns to me, honey ringlets bouncing.
"You really said that?"
I nod, and Amber laughs.

"Anyways, Iva, we're... not like that."
"Is that so? Well. You certainly seemed like it." I'm not sure whether to like or dislike Amber's sister. Though they're twins, both are different as night and day.

"Whatever, Iva." Amber slips her hand out of mine and claps twice. "Okay! Introductions. Iva, this is Jay. Jay, this is Iva." I nervously shake Iva's hand, my gaze trained to the floor. Only when I dare to look up, I see Iva give me another glare, and look back down quickly.

"Amber, sister dear, could you give me and your boyfriend a few minutes alone?"
"Iva, he's not my boyfriend, I told you that! Also, you're probably to try something weird and scare Jay off."
"I will not," Iva replied
I watch their exchange, both amused and scared.

"You have my word," Iva promises. Amber sigh, nods reluctantly, and leaves the chamber. I watch nervously, as Iva turns to me.

"Jordan, right?"
"Oh, it's Jay."
"Okay, Jake," Iva replies, crossing her arms. "So are you my sister's boyfriend?"
"Uh- no, I- well..." I stutter, flustered.
"Do you like her?"
"I mean, yeah. Amber's amazing, and I really like her, so yes." Iva raises an eyebrow.

"Do you like Amber in that way?" My face starts to heat up, and I fidget with my ring. Iva's suspicious gaze breaks out into a smile.

"You do! I knew it! Josh, you have a huge crush on my sister, don't you?" Her eyes twinkle, and she uncrosses her arms.

Then her gaze hardens again, and Iva's voice becomes low and icy.
"Joel, if you hurt my sister, I will find you. And you will not like what happens next."

"Trust me, I wouldn't do anything to hurt-"
"Jeremy. I just want my sister to be happy." Tearing my gaze away from the floor, I meet Iva's eyes.
"Iva, I will do everything in my power to-"
"You don't need to promise or tell me anything Jaime," Iva interrupts. "I just wanted to say a few things." She pauses, and then a ghost of a grin appears on her face."

"You're not bad, Jay."


After a few minutes pass, I tentatively open the secret door.

"You both done down there?" I ask.
"Yep, get down here!" Iva shouts back.

I race down the stairs, and find both of them sitting down on the marble floor. They're facing each other, with excited expressions, and are talking animatedly.

Both Iva and Jay look at me, mischievous grims lighting up their faces.

"Amber, we've been scheming," Jay says playfully.
"Me and Jay have an idea to finally get rid of The Chairmam, once and for all," Iva continues dramatically. "You in?"

"Are you kidding me? Of course!" I laugh, pleasantly surprised with their friendship. "What's the plan?"

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