Getting a Job

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Hello everyone! Vincent here, and I just wanna warn you guys that...
Well, you already know Jerebear's past, so be warned and also cursing.
So, sit back, relax, and eat some Toast.
Also based on Rebornica's AU except Jeremy has eyes.

Jeremy's POV
"GET OUT, YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT!!" My dad yelled as he kicked me outside and threw a bad at my head. "AND DON'T COME BACK UNTIL YOU HAVE A FUCKING JOB!!" My dad slammed the door. I was left outside.

I opened my bag to see some of my clothes. Great... I picked up my bag and I see a newspaper on the porch. I pick it up and look over the job listings. Freddy Fazbears Pizza... $120 a week. Sounds great! I get up and wipe my tears off. I start walking to the pizzeria. My phone is still inside of my dad' I sighed.

~timeskip 15 minutes to the pizzeria~

I finally arrived at Freddy's. I went inside and looked around. This place seems familiar... I went to the bosses office and knocked on the door. He opened the door. "Oh, and who might you be?" He was way taller then me, and he had a cigar hanging out of his mouth. "M-My name is J-Jeremy Fitzgerald. I-I wanted to a-apply for the n-nightshift?..." He smiled brightly. "Of course! You're hired! Come on in, and i'll get you a uniform and your information."

~another timeskip after all of that~

I grabbed my bag and started to leave. "Good luck, kid." A guy came up behind me and I jumped slightly. I turned around. "W-Who are you?..." "Oh, my name is Mike Schmidt. I used to work the nightshift. Now you have to work with... Ah, you'll see. Just be careful of him... I don't trust him..." Mike told me. "W-Well... M-My name is J-Jeremy Fitzgerald, Mr.Schmidt." He smiled. "Alright, and just call me Mike." I nodded and walked back home and knocked on the door.

He opened up the door. "Oh great, you come crawling back?..." He sneered. "N-No... I-I got a job at F-Freddy Fazbears Pizza!" At first,I thought I saw a flash of worry in his eyes, but it went away quickly if he did. "...good. I guess you can come back in." He opened the door for me and I walked in. I ran up the stairs and locked my bedroom door. Just in case... Now, this job seems easy enough. I don't understand what can be wrong with it. Maybe Mike is just playing around... I curled up on my bed and fell asleep.

"Hello, Jeremy. I'm glad I met with you before work started~" he said. "W-Who are you?..." I asked. He chuckled. "Oh, how rude of me. My name is Vincent, or as people call me, The Purple Guy."
~End of Dream~

I shot up and looked at the time. 11:49. I'm gonna be late. I rushed as fast as I could to throw on my uniform and rushed out the door. I made it there at 12:07. I rushed into the office to see the man from my dream.

"Hello, Love~ I'm glad I get to meet you in person~"

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