What you see in the outside

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I'm the quiet person you always see in the back with just a couple friends but when you see her in the hallways you see her with a couple people waving hi at her she always has airpods on and always skipping songs on her phone, she still wears a mask when you she can have it off yet when see takes it off you can see her pimples coming in and dry lips and she has braces on and has dimples she's so lucky and she can do make up, she always seems to be making her friends laugh and always is that one friend you can come up to when you have problems.

"Ew she's chubby" "just do exercise then you'll look better" "you should lose your stomach fat and keep you thighs fat" "be an hour glass" "stop eating" "you're perfect" " suck in your stomach a bit whenever we're out" these are things you hear whenever she's in call or with her parents, everything is fun right she's still smiling and nodding and listening I think she is okay with people saying things with her

when you look at her you see an innocent girl that has good grades always listens to her parents has the best relationship with her parents, yet they're scares on her arms "They look old probably a phase back then, or she might've fixed up her mistakes". I want her life, I want to be her. you look amazing, I wish I was you and had your confidence.

Wow she has a lot of family members she looks happy with her friends and family I bet her siblings and dog love her she's so happy and I bet her parents love her for her grades and she has her life planned out, gosh I wish I had my life planned out like her.

Gosh she even has a crush I bet he likes her back she seems nice enough to be in a relationship, wait didn't she date a drugie and didn't she date a guy younger then her, yea that was in the past though I bet she's over the one she had

these are the things you see and hear about me...

Its all fake

(417 words)

this is so new to me and if you made it this far i'm happy someone is listening to my story I just hope you have a lovely day or night and you're loved for everything you do

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