(Chapter 26/Pt.1) The Plan Part 1:The Bar

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Mangle's Pov:
I am ready...

13 years I've had to wait..

Now it's my change...To get my man...

I had the invitation to the bar in my hands.

It was the middle of the night and I slipped the note under the curtain of Pirate's Cove.

Foxy's Pov:

I woke up and Chica was still sleeping.

There was a note on the floor.

I got out of bed and picked up the note.

'Hi Foxy,
You don't know me but my name is Chad.
I was wondering if you could please come to the bar with me tonight at 9:00.
I've heard some things about your daughter Lexie.
That she's been posting some bad things on her Instagram.
Oh and don't tell your wife!

That's weird. Well I guess I'm going to the bar tonight.

**TIMESKIP TO 8:30**

"Hey Chica,I'm going to do something. Be back later." I texted Chica.

"Ok,Have Fun!" She replied

"I will,love you!"

"Love you too!"

I switched into human form.

I called a cab company because I don't know how to drive.

"Joan's Cab Service,This is Mercedes speaking how may I help you?"

"Hi Mercedes,May I please have a cab to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza?" I asked.

"Sure! It will be arriving in about 10 minutes." Mercedes replied.

"Ok,Thank Ye" I replied.

"You're very welcome." She said.

~10 Minutes Later~

A cab pulled up to the pizzeria.

"Where would you like to go today sir?" The cab driver asked.

"Millward's Bar Please"


I arrived at the bar and saw a man standing.

"Are you chad?" I asked.

"Yep! You must be Foxy" Chad replied.

"Yep that's me!" I replied.

"Wanna go get a beer?"


We sat at a table.

"He Foxy,Can I borrow you're phone?" Chad asked me.

"Sure lad" I replied handing Chad me phone.

Chad's Pov:
I took Foxy's Phone and texted Chica.

"Hey me and Beth are hanging out don't bother us"

To Be Continued.....

All I Need Is You (Foxy x Chica)Where stories live. Discover now