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My eyes flutter open and I groan when I realize how late it is. I must have slept in. But I still have school. I hear yelling and thumping coming from somewhere. Getting up, I change my clothes and walk out to the kitchen.

"Dad? What's happening?" I ask, yawning.

He looks at me like I just asked the most horrifying question in existence. I hear a muffled "pads" and a listing of pain medication from the bathroom and my eyes go wide.

"Oh." I say, grabbing my bag and a slice of toast and leaving the house early to wait by the car. "Bye."

"Hmm." Dad says back.

Not too long later Mom and Mei come out of the house. Mei looks traumatized with a beanie on and Mom looks anxious. We get in the car and listen to Mom ramble on about ways to relieve pain and such. I block it out with music. Finally we get to the school and pull up outside.

"I know it feels strange, Mei-Mei—" Mom starts.

"Okay, I'm leaving!" I hop out of the car and let them talk. I don't want to hear about any of this.

I walk into the school to see the girls. "Hey, Y/n!" They call to me. "Where's Mei?"

"Hey. She'll be in soon, mom had to talk to her for a sec." I say vaguely.

Not a moment later Mei comes in, walking slightly strange. "Hey, Mei!" They call.

"Hey, girl friends. What is up?" Meilin asks robotically, continuing to walk down the hallway mechanically.

"What's with the tuque?" Miriam asks as we walk along side Mei.

"Bad. Hair. Day."

Abby sniffs then scrunches you her face in disgust. "Did you, like, work out this morning?"

"I got you, girl." Says Priya, gibbing Mei some deodorant. Mei lathers it all over herself.

"Mei, we gotta talk." Miriam says anxiously.

"Oh kay."

"Tyler's been telling everyone about the Daisy-Mart." Miriam whispers and I feel anger pulse through me. That little-


"He said your mom went nuts." Abby says.

"And that you're kind of a perv." Priya adds only adding to my anger.

"I am not a...!" Mei loses her cool for a second and stopping before turning around a breathing. "Tyler is an insecure jerkwad. Words were exchanged. Slightly uncomfortable secrets were revealed." She pays the deodorant and hands it back to Priya. "End of storreeeeyyy...."

She slurs her words as she stares at a kid with black hair and eyeliner.

"Mei..." I step in front of her line of sight. "Why are you staring at Carter-Murphy Mayhew?"

"I wasn't." Mei responds unconvincingly, hugging herself. She catches sight of something on the locker and tears it down. "No!"

"Ugh, Tyler keeps putting these up!"

I take one off the lockers and see that it's a copied version of the drawings I ripped up. You can see the rip lines where he puzzle-pieced it back together.

"Knock it off butthead!" The girls yell at the laughing boy across the hall as he puts up more posters.

"Did you dumpster-dive for these?" I smirk at him. He stops laughing as the girls begin to laugh.

"Ew! That's stinky!" Abby yells, laughing.

"What!?" Tyler screeches at me. "No! I didn't! That's gross!"

"Really? Because I'm pretty sure I ripped it up and threw it away." I snicker. "You totally did!"

"Shut up! No I didn't!" Tyler yells, ears turning red. "I'm not the pervert, here!" He points at a distressed Meilin. He starts laughing again. "Devon, my precious manly man!" He turns around and does kissing noises just to tease Meilin.

"Smell ya later, dorks!" Tyler laughs, running away as the girls call angrily back at him.

I roll my eyes and look back at a very nervous Mei. "Gotta go!" She yells and dashes to the classroom. "See you at lunch!"

I follow after her and sit beside her. "Are you okay?" I ask, handing her the herbal tea mom made for pain. She gulps half of it down before laying her head in her desk.

Miriam sits down across from us as a girl from the table behind us speaks up. "What's with her?"

"What's with your face?" Miriam spits back. "What is with you? You're being weird." Miriam whispers to Mei.

"I'm just really excited about math." Mei responds, tense.

Miriam looks at me and I just wave my hand at my neck in a "cut it" motion. "Don't ask." Is what my body language says.

The teacher begins class and we start taking notes. Miriam is too busy passing notes, though. Suddenly Mei looks like she'd seen a ghost at whatever the note said. She slowly turns around and looks out the window. I follow suit and see Mom standing obviously behind a tree.

Mei gasps and looks back down, covering her face from the window. "No... no..."

"Oh, gosh..." I cringe in embarrassment as the security guard tries to shoo her away but she resists.

The yelling catches the attention of the other students and I cringe even harder. Everyone groups at the window and Mei breathes heavily.

Too heavily.

I try to rub her back to calm her down but it does little to help.

"Mei-Mei! Y/n! Tell him it's me! Tell him it's mommy!" Mom yells as the security guard tries to drag her from the premises. She gets closer to the window. "Mei-Mei! Tell him you forgot your pads!" She holds up a box of menstrual pads.

"Oh, my g—" Before I could finish Mei screams and I'm blasted away from her in a pink explosion. "Ah!" I whimper as I try to stand up, coughing out the pink dust. I turn around, still on the floor, and nearly scream.

Before me where Mei should have been was a giant red panda. It whimpers and runs out of the classroom. I attempt to follow after but I'm too slow with the amount of coughing my lungs were doing. By the time I get out of the classroom the panda was already gone and students were filling the hallway to see what the ruckus was. The students in my class all filed out of the pink smoke filled room, coughing like no tomorrow.

"What... happened?" I hear a voice say from beside me. I turn to see Tyler through my watering eyes and put my hand on his shoulder to help stand so I don't keel over, coughing.

"Prank, maybe?" I lie. "I thought it was you..." I hardly make out through coughs until I finally get my bearings and breathe before wincing as the adrenaline leaves me. I look at my elbow and see there's a small scrape. Why are the smallest injuries the most painful?

Then I remember again. The panda. Was it Mei?

"I gotta go." I begin to walk down the hallway again.

"Wait!" A gentle hand captures my uninjured elbow I look back at Tyler to see him a little... worried? "What about your elbow?"

"It's a paper cut. It's fine." I say, confused.

He digs around in his pocket for a second before pulling something out an unwrapping it, walking around to my injured elbow and pasting it on. I realize it was a large bandaid. "I keep 'em for basketball. Just in case." He mutters looking no higher than my shoulders.

I put my hand on his head and ruffle his hair and he doesn't fight it, turning red even. "Thanks. Now take down those posters, dumpster diver."

His gaze shot up at me as I began to walk away. "I'm not a dumpster diver!"

"Sure you aren't!" I call behind me sarcastically before dashing out of the school.

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