Chapter 5 "First Day (Continued)"

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I slowly sit down at my petite desk., which so happens to be across from Mr. Gold. I look at all the papers and files that are spread along the top and I begin to organize everything, assuming this is my first task. Every so often I glance up at the man, and every time is the exact same face. Stone cold, hard, un-loving, and tired. I sigh quietly to myself hoping this is actually a decent job and I just wait for time to go by this sluggish morning.

"Ms. French" he suddenly says, and I immediately look up. "Yes sir?" "Get me a cup of coffee. I need something with a kick" he says without even glancing up and I slowly stand up, leaving his office to retrieve coffee. On my little attempt to find his coffee machine I wander back to the front desk and see the nice girl again, typing away on the computer.

"Um excuse me... Is there a coffee machine around here?" I ask politely, looking around for one. She looks up at me and pats a machine right next to her. I blush and tuck some hair behind my ear. "Thanks" I say and I start to make his coffee. Silence sticks through the room and all I hear is the tapping of the keys along her keyboard. Once the coffee has poured into the paper cup I breathe out in relief and quickly go back to his office.

I place the coffee next to his papers and he didn't even take a glance at me and takes at large sip of his coffee. I sit back at my desk, "You're welcome..." I mumble a bit bitterly. "What was that Ms. French?" He asks, finally looking up at me with his right eyebrow raised slightly. "N-Nothing..." I quickly say and shuffle through some papers. "You said something. I may be old but I'm not deaf. Now I hired you because I liked your straight forwardness and your honesty. Now speak." He says, this time louder with his voice booming through the room. "I said your welcome. You didn't say thank you for the coffee I had brought you and in all HONESTY sir, that is one of my biggest pet peeves, when some on doesn't say thank you." I say all in one breathe, and my eyes widen.

He chuckles quietly and nods his head, "Very nice Ms. French. But you should know I don't thank my employees. They do the work I ask and therefore shouldn't get praised every time. It's your job. You have to do it. Now get back to work" He says sternly and I nod my head a little annoyed.

The day goes by slowly and all we do is both work in silence. No more conversation and at the end of the day I head home with a simple "Goodnight"

((So that's Chapter 5!!💕 I hope you all like it! I'm sorry if it was boring... And I was thinking about trying to update more regularly! I was thinking about updating this story every Saturday or Sunday! Would you guys like that? Please comment and favorite this chapter!! Thanks!😄))

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