Falling Sick

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Jake sat in the classroom trying to concentrate on the lesson.
But it was no use as his throat hurt really bad.
"Jake, could you please tell me where the archaologist came from that studied the Nazca lines systematic?", Mrs Jones asked.
"From Germany?", he asked and his voice sounded really raspy.
"Oh dear. Are you alright Jake?", Mrs Jones asked.
"I'm fine, my throat just hurts a little."
"It doesn't sound like a little. You can leave this period for now. I will contact your mother to take you to a doctor after school. Take your things with you and drink a lot.", Mrs Jones insisted.
"Okay... Thank you Mrs Jones..", Jake said. He hadn't really been anywhere where he could have gotten sick due to bacteria or a virus.
The only logical explanation to him was that it was a psychological thing after all the stress he had with the music club throwing him out and leaving the Jomies.
He figured that the music room would be empty and decided to head there for the lesson.
Mrs Jones had quickly written him a hallpass so other teachers or the janitor wouldn't punish him.
He strolled around until he made his way to the music room.
He first looked if noone was there since Milicent tended to ditch class.
She wasn't there so he entered.
The first thing he noticed was that there was a photo on the wall. It was missing a piece.
It hurt when he saw that the piece that was cut out was him.
They took that picture while they practiced at Hailey's house.
Jake decided to drink something.
He felt tears running down his cheeks. He had been a horrible person and why? Because he was afraid of being an outcast again.
Yet that fear drove him to be one either way.
He just sat there until he heard voices coming near. With shock he noticed it was Hailey and Zander.
He backed up from the door.
His eyes widened in horror.
Hailey and Zander entered and Zander facial expression changed from just his casual frowny face to furious really fast.
"What the fuck are you doing here?!", he asked.
"I..", Jake couldn't speak. He didn't know himself so he just looked away.
He heard steps coming towards him and then someone shoved him to the ground.
He looked up and saw Zander threatening him with his fists.
"Explain before I really loose my temper!", he yelled.
"I don't know! Mrs Jones sent me outside and I just walked here! I don't know why!", he said and quickly put a hand around his neck as his throat hurt really badly.
"Really? Or are you just planning to manipulate our instruments.
" Hey! Leave him alone you music freaks! ", a voice from behind them could be heard.
" This has nothing to do with you assholes so stay out of this! ", Zander yelled.
Jake was furious at Drew interfering.
He gently pushed Zander aside and got onto his feet.
Zander was expecting Jake to hit him but instead he walked over to Drew.
"You fuck off Drew! You ruined everything for me by pressing my buttons until I said things I didn't even mean and recording it so the only ones who actually cared about me would leave me!", Jake yelled.
"I did you a favor!", Drew defended himself.
"No! You wanted to make yourself a favor! You couldn't stand me having better friends than you so you decided to rip that away from me!", Jake yelled and slapped Drew.
By now Drew was furious.
"Fine then! You don't wanna be my friend, you think you can get through things like that and you think you can hit me then try!", Drew yelled before pushing Jake and grabbing him by the hem of his shirt.
He pressed Jake against a wall and pressed more each second.
Jake couldn't breathe properly.
"Still got things to say?!", Drew asked.
Jake tried to get him off of him.
Hailey and Zander had been stunned but now Hailey rushed to get a teacher.
"Let him go!", Zander yelled.
"Why? Weren't you about to beat him up as well?!", Drew laughed.
Zander quickly shut up. Drew was right. Jake gasped for air and Drew dropped him.
Jake was coughing really bad and still had trouble breathing.
They heard Mrs Jones and Hailey approaching and Drew, Liam and Henry ran off.
As Hailey and Mrs Jones entered they saw Jake on the floor still gasping for air and coughing.
"Oh dear! Jake!", Mrs Jones said and rushed over to him.
Jake's vision was blurry because his eyes still had tears in them and he was afraid of being choked again.
He tried pushing her away.
"Someone get the nurse!", Mrs Jones shouted and Zander ran off to the infirmary.
"What happened Hailey?", Mrs Jones asked while she was still trying to calm Jake down.
"We found him in here and after our conflict Zander was still mad. He yelled at Jake why he was here and if he was manipulating our instruments. Then Drew appeared and 'defended' Jake. That only lasted so long as Jake then yelled at Drew and slapped him.
Drew then grabbed Jake by the hem of his shirt and pushed him against the wall and put on more pressure. What happened after I don't know as I went to get you. ", Hailey explained.
Jake didn't clam down.
He just wanted his dog to comfort him." Oreo... "Jake started stammering.
" Is he seriously thinking about food right now? ", Zander asked.
Jake shook his head, pulled out his phone and slid it over to Zander.
Zander turned on the phone and there was a picture of little Jake with a black and white dog.
"Is the dog Oreo?", Zander asked and Jake nodded.
"But what are we going to do? I can't let a dog in the school!", Mrs Jones asked.
Hailey had an idea.
"What if we take Jake off the school campus and wait for his mom to arrive and bring Oreo with her.
" That's a possibility. But getting her number would take so long. ", Mrs Jones said.
Jake made kind of grabby hands for his phone.
He had his mother as emergency contact. He tapped the buttons for emergency call 5 times and the call started. He handed it to Mrs Jones.
" Hello? Jake? Are you alright?! ", his mother spoke with a concerned voice.
"Hello, are you Jake's mother?", Mrs Jones asked.
"Yes! What happened?!", his mother asked. "Jake had problems with his throat hurting earlier and was then attacked by another student.
He's still not calming down and asked for his dog Oreo.", Mrs Jones answered. "But can Oreo even enter the school?" Jake's mother asked.
"No but we can leave the school so he can see Oreo.", Mrs Jones said.
"Alright. I'll be in my way this instant. I should be there in about 5 minutes."
His mother hung up the phone.
"Hailey, Zander, please support Jake so he can walk outside.", Mrs Jones said and the two siblings nodded.
They slowly but steadily walked outside. As they reached the gate Oreo and Jake's mom were already waiting.
Jake got rid of their grips and half fell, half sat down on the ground.
He extended his arms giving Oreo a signal to come over to him.
Jake hugged his dog.
Soon he finally calmed down completely and his breathing seemed to go back to normal as well.
"How does this calm him down so fast?", Mrs Jones asked.
"Well you see, my son has never really been the one to want physical contact with humans. Whenever he was scared or had any other problems he wouldn't let anyone touch him really. Oreo would be the only one he'd allow near him as the two grew up together.", Jake's mom answered.
" That's so sweet. "
" Yeah but it gave us many troubles in the past. ", Jake's mother answered.
She knew about what happened with the music club.
" You two are Hailey and Zander, yes?", his mom asked.
" We are ma'am. ", Zander answered. "Please don't be so harsh on him. He was absolutely devastated when you threw him out of the club. He felt terrible about the things he had said. But he was set up. He would never mean things like that. Espiacially not to those he considers family.", Jake's mother said.
" He considers us family? ", Hailey asked.
" I have for a long time Hailey... That day I tried to explain though it was just normal that you guys didn't let me tell you what truly happened... I'm so sorry that I hurt you guys... ", Jake finally spoke up.
"And we are sorry for not listening Jake...", Zander said.
"Will you forgive us?", Hailey asked.
"I don't have to. Because I wasn't mad at you guys in the first place...", Jake said and smiled a little.
"Okay now that that's over. Jake we are going home. You are gonna drink some soup and then rest.", his mother said in a strict tone.
"Can Oreo at least accompany me?", Jake asked.
"Yes now get inside the car.."
Mrs Jones, Hailey, Zander, Jake's mother and Jake laughed and said their goodbyes before Zander entered the car with Oreo and him and his mother drove off.

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