Part 101

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"No" declared Raj as he , Nyonika along with Manik and Nandini were sitting in his cabin . Manik had picked up Nandini from the hospital and called Nyonika to reach office as he has something important to discuss.

"But dad" Manik tried to convince him again

"No Manik, you are not allowed." Said Raj loud and clear.
Manik huffed and looked at Nyonika who herself was skeptical.

"Mom, atleast you understand na" said Manik trying to convince his dear mother cause he knew she would give in to everything that he wishes for but only if he knew that this one thing would mean him being away from her.

"Manik please don't expect anything from me okay, why do you think I would allow you? And then you only want to be independent right? Start your business in Mumbai, as simple as that" said Nyonika looking at him while he nodded his head left to right .

"No it's not that simple Mom, you are not understanding. Whatever I do here in India, I would never be able to do it all by my own. I have seen dad struggle so much and then has he come here today, I want to go through that too Mom, I want to learn and feel proud of myself. I have not achieved anything yet on my own but I want to and you said you would always support me Dad" said Manik looking at Raj who got up from the head chair and faced the huge glass window infront of his table

"Yes Manik and I am ready to support you in whatever business you want to go with but" said Raj looking back at him but Manik interrupted him

"That is the thing na, I don't want you to support me in my business , I want you to support me in this decision dad. This is exactly what I am talking about, aap directly nahi to indirectly help karenge but you will, I know you dad" said Manik making Raj sigh.

"Mom, Dad please trust me and I know if I start working somewhere else, that place would eventually be where I would be living for most part of my life, I agree but then you and dad also came to Mumbai right? Does that mean you are not in touch with dadi? We visit her , she visits us , the love is still the same." Said Manik trying to convince with example .

Manik looked at Nandini who was just sitting on the couch looking at all of them one by one.

"Mai tumhe baithane ke liya laya hu? Nandini , I brought you to talk to mom and dad, they listen to you. Help me na" said Manik unbelievably. He had went all way opposite to pick Nandini because he knew she would someway or the other manage to convince them but here she was sitting not saying a word.

"Hmm yeah, um Mom Dad give Manik a chance atleast. If not, he would always have this guilt in his heart , that he could have been at a better place if only was he provided with this opportunity. Please and then I will be there , I promise I will take good care of him." said Nandini looking at both of them time to time.

"Nandini beta obviously we know you will take care of him, and yourself too but..Navya has already been after our peace, Cabir to uske aage bolta hi nahi hai kuch and if you two will also not be at home, the home would no longer feel home." said Nyonika getting a little emotional.
Manik went and settled himself beside Nyonika wiping off her tears.

"Mom don't cry please. I don't want to go on the cost of you guys crying. You know what you two mean to me , you guys have done each and everything for me . Dad you have made me so proud by standing up this empire, I want to make you proud too. I want to do something for you, and something for me as well on my own. That is  it. Now whatever you two say" concluded Manik getting up leaving Raj and Nyonika in thoughts. They wanted him to prosper , to grow, to exceed his limits but the mere thought of them being away from their son made their heart crumple.

"Nandini come I will drop you" said Manik . Nandini had to go back to the hospital. The two went out of the cabin as Raj and Nyonika sat on the couch.

"Raj, I want Manik to do this if he is so adamant, but uske bina kaise reh payenge ham?" said Nyonika.

"I know Nyonika but from his point of view, he is right too. I had left everything behind too to stand on my own feet and that is exactly what he wants to do. Jo maine kiya vo karne se use kaise roku main" said Raj thinking rationally as Nyonika nodded understanding him.

"But Navya? Things are so foul back at home. Manik and Nandini ke bina us ghar me main to nahi reh sakti. Whole literal day, she keeps on shouting ranting , I will not be able to handle her I am sorry" said Nyonika keeping her hand on her forehead. She was sure about just one thing and that was, if she faces off Navya , she would not be able to stop herself from slapping her and criticising her for making their happy family a jinx.

"I understand. Neither do I want her to live with us now. Ek hoti hai insecurity and then there's a thin line beyond which is batmeezi. She has forgot her manners and her principles. I am silent only because of Cabir but I have thought something about that too" said Raj earning Nyonika's attention.

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