I bet you think about me

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A/N: Inspired by Taylor Swift's song.

2029 July 28. 6:04PM.

Soft, melodious music filled the air as the singer sang of love that triumphed over all tribulations and a love that would last a lifetime. Win stood at the end of the aisle, as he was meant to be.

In a few minutes, his fiancee would come in through the church's double doors. As she was meant to be.

They would then speak their vows, words that they did not write themselves, but they would pretend that they did because they had no other choice but to be in love. They would say their 'I dos', leave for their honeymoon, and build a life together. Maybe have a few heirs. As they were meant to be.

The singer sang of love that gave you wings and that set you free. He sang of love that was pure and love that was worth the wait. A love that was worth the fight. The singer's angelic voice lulled the crowd, as they awaited the bride, for what other song would fit a wedding more perfectly than this one? Yet for Win, it was as if each word was a stab to his heart. Each line, a knife that twisted at his gut. Each stanza, probing the very recesses of his heart and reopening wounds he thought had long scabbed over.

His eyes fell on the singer, clad in a black suit, standing out among the sea of ivory and beige.

The singer was gazing at him. Win gazed back.

    2019 April

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2019 April.

It was an unspoken agreement that the next few years would be a reprieve.

Metawin was the eldest son, and societal pressure dictated that he was the one to take over the business. Never mind that he originally wanted to be an architect or that his sisters showed more interest in the family business than him. It was him who would be trained to lead and who would eventually take over the reins. His siblings would be there to support him.

But that was for the future. And the future may not be his, but at the very least, Win had the now.

Auditioning for 2gether The Series was an impulse decision. It was done out of adrenaline rush and good-natured ribbing from his friends, some of them part of the showbiz industry themselves. He had been turning around his head the idea to join a few modelling gigs here and there, just for the experience, but he hadn't considered an acting job before. He wasn't sure he was ready for the commitment it entailed.

But it just so happened that the audition date fell on the day that two of his highschool juniors got into an Architecture program for college. He had been scrolling through his social media when he came to the congratulatory post. They were unfamiliar faces, probably one of his schoolmates that he followed unthinkingly on Instagram. What was familiar, though, was the longing that came to him in waves.

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