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Today I meet with my best friends, who always fight about nonsense topics but, I think they do it on purpose.
But, something strange happened that day that I never thought would happen EVER! All my friends had BOYFRIENDS and guess what... they were in the same class and school as we were so if you ever had a friend who always has a boyfriend one day and then talks about another then you know how I feel.

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But, enough about my friends there was one girl at school named APRIL HUFFINGTON who always cries about things that don't matter like for example Over the break I heard that one of her friends saw that she had an addatude so... which you know if you have friends like APRIL HUFFINGTON who cries for no reason then call a doctor for her cause she needs help.
But, ever since that happened April's ex- best friends never Twitter of Facebooked since so, yep that's how middle school is you make friends and you leave friends but me people just love using my kindness for granted and over the break I made sure EVERYTHING CHANGES AROUND HERE.


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