File name:mysterious ball pit bunny killer

54 1 4


Password:Ball pit

Code name:Bunny killer

Animatronic involved:[Redacted]

In 19xx at a birthday party in Jerry's pizza wonderland in Hurricane Utah at 11:12am a little girl name Mary Stein was celebrating her birthday at the pizzeria amusement park her and her friends were playing in the ball pit that the pizzeria afford from a pizzeria the original owner of said pizzeria wanted to destroy the ball pit because he said that this ball pit was made from the pits of hell but the owner of Jerry pizza wonderland amusement park bought the ball pit a little boy named [Redacted] said that this ball pit was evil saying a monster comes out and murders people but no one believed them. While Mary and her friends were playing in the ball pit something touched Mary's leg she thought it was a ball but something grabbed Mary and Mary was scared she was screaming trying to escape what ever got her but Mary was pulled down and disappeared everyone in the amusement park went to the ball pit then a giant yellow bunny appeared and grabbed more of Mary's friends they were dragged down the owner tried to save the kids but it was to late the kids were gone then Mary's head flew out of the ball pit 9 1 1 was called . Adam one of Mary's friend who escaped told the cops everything Mary's older brother Jack showed the picture of the yellow bunny

 Adam one of Mary's friend who escaped told the cops everything Mary's older brother Jack showed the picture of the yellow bunny

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Mary's mother Amanda remember the yellow bunny looking at her with its blue eyes

the cops searched for the bunny and the kids body but they couldn't find anything then Chief Burke decided to text the new owner of Faz bear entertainment and Afton robotics [Redacted] Afton

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the cops searched for the bunny and the kids body but they couldn't find anything then Chief Burke decided to text the new owner of Faz bear entertainment and Afton robotics [Redacted] Afton


Clay:I need your help I think I found something.

[Redacted] Afton:What is it?

Clay:7 kids were killed the parents said their bodies were dragged down to the bottom of a ball pit.

[Redacted] Afton:But how could they disappeared tho ball pits are not that deep.

Clay:The parents said a yellow animatronic grabbed the kids here's a photo.

(Ignore the arms)

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(Ignore the arms)

[Redacted] Afton:Hmmm interesting.

Clay:Do you think he's back?

[Redacted] Afton: That's not him or the twisteds. It may look like spring, Bonnie, but the difference is that the animatronic has sharp teeth inside of it and the suit he wore is broken and it looks too real to be a illusion.

Clay:You going to check it out?

[Redacted] Afton:Yes I will.

Clay:Good look

End communication

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