You will me be my queen...soon

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I woke up alone with a covered plate of jam toast and a note. I picked up the note first as it read, I'm sorry, I can't be there I'm out doing something if you need anything call Jeremy on the phone I left on your bed, he will bring anything you want. See you soon nova (What the hell how did he know my name) and if you're wondering how I found your name your boyfriend kept calling it after the fight looking for you. Sincerely, Harley I put the note next to me and debated on eating the toast. I decided I might as well. Then I walked around the room looking for something to do in the light I could see a full bookshelf on a wall. A cushion with a small table next to it. I looked back at the bed then at the bookshelf. I walked over looking at the books at the bookshelf before seeing one I had read millions of times I brought it back to the bed and started reading. I almost jumped out of my skin when I heard the tv turned on a news broad cast about me going missing then a few minutes later breaking news Xander is now dating a new superhero my best friend to be precise. There was even a picture of them kissing after saving the city from the Dark Ace. So that's what he was doing. I laid down hugging a pillow and started crying we weren't even broken up or that I was missing for less than 24 hours. I heard the sound of shoes walking around the room I felt a hand on my shoulder. I sat up and wiped my tears I knew it was him even without looking up what I crooked out. Before I could even process what was happening, I was wrapped in his arms in a hug I didn't fight it though I hugged him back. When he pulled away, I looked up at him want me to read that to you instead sure I said handing it to him as he rested on the bed. I sat away from him as he started reading but I found myself getting closer by the minute until I was right next to him. And not long after I found myself leaning into him as he continued to read. He smelled nice was all I could think about as his arm crossed behind me bringing me closer. My eyes started to get heavy as he continued reading his voice was soothing. And wasn't long before I found myself curled up with him asleep. When I woke up again it was to him moving out of the bed. I whine out a no come back which shocked me I didn't mean to do that. It seemed to surprise him too, don't you hate me he asked well do you hate me I responded he didn't respond but started to walk out of the room. Oh, I see I muttered laying back down. After a few minutes I was almost asleep until the bed shifted then his voice saying no, I don't hate you I love you then he kissed my cheek, but you won't know for now. I turned around and looked at him he looked like he had seen a ghost you love me I asked    I-I- uhm he sighed yes but... I didn't let him finish I pulled him closer and kissed him. His hands found my waist and pulled me closer into him. Before one found the hem of my shirt and slipped under. I gasped his hands were ice. Then he stopped himself and pulled away and breathing out a wait we shouldn't do this your hurt still and this isn't how it's supposed to go. How is it supposed to go I asked I should cook you dinner first and you should be healed and completely sure about this. I nodded and said if that's what you want. He nodded as well I do want that. I thought for a second before saying why don't you tell me about you. He thought then said well I'm from a small town two states over I used to help my mom make pasta every Saturday and I used to go fishing with my dad every Wednesday after school. And I would make flower crowns with my mom . I smiled you made flower crowns don't look at me like that he responded why I asked cause I said so he answered then covered my eyes now go to sleep. But its not even 5 and I haven't eaten lunch wait Jermy didn't bring you lunch I shook my head no. He still hadn't moved his hand but I could tell he wasn't happy. Ill be right back ill get you something to eat I grabbed his other hand and whined nooo stay with me I heard him lightly chuckle before our lips connected again. I cuddled closer to him and he took his hand off my eyes. Please stay here ill stay if you go to sleep  I laid my head down and snuggled into him falling asleep again

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