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Have you ever wonder if there was another world instead of the world you living in well this is the type of story that change a girl from her realistic world to a world that she believe was fictional and unrealistic.......

Lavender is the kind of girl you will call Ms. Goody-Goody or the nerd herd of the school but if you knew her then you'll realize she isn't the normal nerd that is shy and don't speak out for themselves when it can possibly get them into good girl is a whole lot different...she like to set wrong from right and express her opinions to tell you how it is while making them straight A's and take risk to show you the truth.

Gabriel well.....he is what you can your typical dark, mysterious can of guy that seems like trouble around the corner and too hot for his own good with an aura that can make you bow down..... 

Let's just say that when these two meet they don't meet on good it ends I don't know, but what can you suspect from the unsuspected........

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