𝖶𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝖨𝗌 𝖸𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖢𝖺𝗌𝗍𝖾?

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Several months had passed in which the symptoms of pregnancy had affected the omega, the Alpha never left him alone and one could even say that he became his slave.

During the first months the dizziness made him feel that everything around him was spinning every second that passed, when the vomiting came he cried because he could not keep the food in his stomach.

It was no secret that the little omega loved to eat, that this happened to him only made his heart clench at the thought of not being able to enjoy food as he had long ago.

Every time something like this happened, the Alpha approached him and whispered nice things to him to stop his crying, when he calmed down, the Alpha asked why he was crying and the omega told him for the end crying again for no reason, just like at that moment.

The omega was sitting on the Alpha's lap, he had his little face hidden in the Alpha's neck and his sobs could be heard, his eight-month-old belly was glued to the Alpha's abdomen while a his hand caressed the entire swollen part where his puppy was.

-Calm down omega, you must stop crying so you can tell me what's happening love -the Alpha spoke with a calm voice

-I-it's that I-I asked you for pizza and-and I threw it up -said the omega crying even more

-It's okay love, don't feel bad, that's normal, you have our puppy in your tummy and that's something very normal, there's nothing to worry about love -the Alpha reassured

-B-but I wanted the p-pizza -said the omega between tears

-I'll bring you more pizza love, don't cry please, if you cry our puppy will feel bad -said the curly

And as if that were a magic word, the omega stopped crying right away, his head came out of the Alpha's neck and his hands went directly to his eyes to wipe the tears that were still dripping from his eyes.

-I don't cry anymore, you see Alpha, I don't cry anymore -I speak like a little boy

-Yes love, I see it, now, sit here and wait for me to bring you your pizza -said the Alpha trying to lower the omega

-No!!! -shouted the omega -carry me and take me with you Alpha -he ordered with a pout on his pink lips

The Alpha sighed with a smile and approached the omega again to take him in his arms and start walking with him to the kitchen, when they got there the omega still refused to get off the Alpha, this She started to heat up the pizza with the little omega in her arms.

When the pizza was ready, they both returned to the living room, the omega settled on the Alpha's lap and they both began to eat while watching television.

After a few minutes the Alpha noticed that the omega was no longer taking any more pieces of pizza and turned to see him, that's when he noticed that the chestnut was asleep and his slice of pizza was on his chest. With a tender smile he took the piece of pizza and left it on the table, he carried the omega and took him to the room where he settled with him on his chest and prepared to take a nap.


Two hours later the omega woke up feeling something tickling his nose, slowly opened his eyes and blinked to get used to the light. I notice then that what she gave him tickling was one of the alpha's curls that had his face buried in her neck right at her scent source.

He stroked the curls of the still sleeping Alpha and received a purr in response, he smiled at that and continued to stroke his Alpha's hair until it woke up.

¿Mommy? «Larry» Adaptation and translation Where stories live. Discover now