Item# 7131 (The Children of Creation and Destruction)
Object Class: Keter/Apollyon (SCP-7131-1) (The Apollyon part is redacted, except for the Doctor assigned to that SCP)
Special Containment Procedures: Currently, there are no known means in order to contain SCP-7131-1, due to the fact that it is always able to escape the containment cell, even when using Reality Anchors inside of its containment cell. The best thing to do is make the stay for SCP-7131-1 as pleasant for him as possible(That Part is Redacted). Instances of SCP-7131 are kept on a 10 M x 10 M x 10 M room, filled with furniture, a TV, and with sheets of paper. The except for the use of technology would be the case of SCP-7131-3. Should SCP-7131-1 suddenly appear inside one of the containment cells of these instances, he is to be monitored at all times, as attacking and forcing the SCP-7131-1 instance away from the others will result in a hostile action(That Part is Redacted). Reality anchors much be kept activated inside of the containment chamber at all times in the cases of SCP-7131-2 to 4. Should they attempt escape and display hostile, a nearby MTF will grab their weapons and will attempt to force them back into containment. If any of the instances display hostile action, they are to be shocked with 1,000,000 volts of electricity in order to make sure they're incapacitated.
SCP-7131 is a designation given to a collection of 4 instances of humanoid entities. All of the instances have a resemblance to skeletons of humans, although there are some different. 2 of the instances have normal bone color, while the other 2 are different. The mouths of the entity even close and move likes lips, despite the fact that the faces of the entity do not possess such features on them whatsoever, and their eye sockets can move and blink similar to that of a human's eyelids. Most of the instances have bodies that are appearing to be separated for a brief period of time, almost resembling an effect that makes them glitch out, with the exception of SCP-7131-4, as bits and pieces of their bodies will briefly separate into a square-shaped piece, before returning back to their bodies once again.
SCP-7131-1 is a black skeleton with dark blue rectangles on both of the cheeks of its face, with yellow eye sockets and red eyes, with the left eye having a pupil in the shape of a plus sign, and possesses green teeth, as well as showing to somehow having 4 tongues inside of its mouth, with the word, ERROR, all over its body, and hand yellow fingers that end in red tips. It stands at the height of 5'1, appears to be 25 years old, who wears a light tan, tight fitted turtleneck sweater. Over the sweater, it wears a black jacket, and is always seen with its hood up. It's jackets hood has a gradient blue grid-like design. The sleeves of his jacket have light blue streaks down the sides, and teal X's on the upper part. The inside of its jacket is red, as well as the scarf tied around his waist. It wears dark pants with light blue X's near the ankles. It's shoes are slim and black for agility, and the bottoms are light yellow, decorated with a pattern that looks like a circuit board. But the entire clothing that the entity is wearing appears to be torn and ripped, appearing to have happened inside of a battle of sorts, with the sweater even having rips that show the skeletal ribcage of the SCP. The left sleeve of SCP-7131-1 appears to have been ripped of completely, and has been replaced with a white sleeve with eyes that resemble both the left and right eyes, which covers most of the hand, with the exception of the fingertips, and the bottom part of the jacket is also ripped and stitched with the same white material, which reaches down enough to the entity's ankles. The reason for this, as well as the materials that it had gotten, are unknown. SCP-7131-1 demonstrates the use of gravity manipulation, which its weaponize to slam entities to the sides of the wall, though the range is unknown, if there is a range at all, , and it can summoning bones for attack/incapacitate, and being able to summon a Dragon Skull that shows beams of energy at whatever it is targeting, with the energy beam entirely not from earth, and is able to destroy people as well a structure. It even has strings that are of different uses.
Out-Code Spawns in a different Multiverse (SCP Foundation x Alphatale)
Misteri / ThrillerThere are 2 different multiverses that are next to each other. One that is made simply of Code and Data, being made by the Game Creators, used for entertainment by the Players, and are managed by the Out-Codes, as well as any being that has gained t...