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before you read, this chapter contains: 🔞 slight nsfw language, 6k of word count and a Whole Lot of sexual tension if ykwim ;)

Even after having studied at the same university, Taehyung still thinks he has absolutely no idea who Jeon Jungkook is.

That is why, though he has a feeling that Jungkook's position in society makes him bound to be very time-conscious, he has no idea exactly how true that is until he steps out of his apartment building and sees a black Mercedes Benz halt to a stop in front of him.

The car looks expensive the way Taehyung expects it to, and even from outside he can imagine Jungkook waiting inside, ready to greet him with the same lazy smirk that seems to be a permanent fixture on his face.

It makes him a little conscious; makes him inspect his outfit—an oversized white shirt and navy blue pants that fit his ass just right—and give out a sigh.

Maybe Taehyung could up his charm and be a coquet just like Jimin always advises him to be. Maybe then Jungkook wouldn't even think to notice what brands he is, or rather, isn't wearing. It's a stupid thought. He is a sugar baby for a reason.

Taehyung clenches his fist, tugs at the long sleeves that fall around his fingers and walks towards the car.

He almost expects someone dressed in all black to come out of the drivers seat, equipped with black shades with an earpiece and everything, to open the door for him. Except the door opens on its own and when Taehyung bends slightly to look inside, he finds Jungkook in all his confident, suit-ridden glory—one hand on the wheel, the other rested behind the passenger seat in the kind of suaveness that would look careless on anyone else but on him looks effortless and unperturbed.

When Jungkook's gaze inevitably drops from his face to take him all in, Taehyung's breath halts. His stomach clenches like he's going through an examination, as if it's not the most natural thing for Jungkook to be curious about how he's dressed. He holds his breath, nonetheless, hoping that Jungkook approves and doesn't tell him to go change into something else because god help him, he would actually die if that happens.

Thankfully, Jungkook only quirks his mouth into a half-smile, jerks his head to signal him to get in and Taehyung's brain stops running a mile per a minute.

"Hey," the blond greets him, pulling the car door shut behind him and turning to look at Jungkook. He sees now that Jungkook has no tie around his neck, his shirt buttons popped open as if he's just gotten out of work. Taehyung guesses that might be true. He hadn't expected him to take a day off just to help him shop.

Jungkook merely nods in reply, staying silent for a moment as if that's all the greeting Taehyung is going to get. Then he takes another quick look at him, clears his throat and says, "Hey. I hope I wasn't too late–?"

Taehyung rolls his eyes before he can stop himself, "You just want me to say you were right on time"

Jungkook smirks, rolls his shoulders and eases behind his wheel and maybe, Taehyung guesses, he's been on edge while thinking about this meeting the same way Taehyung had been. Like he didn't know what to expect because they're still so new at figuring out how to be around each other. He looks a little more relaxed when he says, "Well I do like to take pride on my punctuality"

"Oh, I'm sure you take pride in a lot of things, Jungkook" he says, and it makes Jungkook look at him again. Except this time, his gaze is entirely different than the last. He has that same trademark smirk on his face, eyes intense enough to make Taehyung flush.

"I do, indeed," he comments, and Taehyung hates himself for blushing so easily, for being oblivious enough to end up saying things that could sound suggestive enough without even meaning to.

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