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he wrote his address on a piece of paper and gave it to stefan previously that day, so he was waiting.
he was waiting, trying not to think much about it, sitting on the couch and reading a book. he couldn't concentrate on what he was reading, though, as he thought about what he would do with stef.
what if we watched a movie? or baked a cake? what do normal people do when they meet?
he was also tired because of school, as he had maths and science lessons. those were so stressful, as he never had no clue what was going on in them.
to make time pass, he stands up and starts cleaning around, but there is nothing to clean. he is just moving objects around, from a room to another. he is so anxious, he does this automatically.
oh god, he has to see my bedroom. what if it's too embarassing, with all the posters and usual teens' stuff? his is probably the same. he says to himself, to relax a bit.
he goes to the kitchen, to pour himself a cup of tea. as he's drinking it, the doorbell rings.
"who is it?" he asks, with the most innocent voice you could imagine. stef is standing there, with some flowers in his hand as brian opens the door. brian flushes red as soon as he sees the gift.
"these are for you" stef says, as it isn't obvious already. the shorter one takes them, and thanks him with a kiss on the cheek, gesturing him to enter.
they sit together on the couch, talking about school, and other things, like they forgot that they've already kissed before at the park. it seems that they don't want to rush anything, or at least brian doesn't want to, he's too shy to say anything related to that. not even if he liked it or not. but he also thought that it was pretty clear that he enjoyed it, as he invited him over. he didn't really know what he expected from him.
stef tries to get as close as he can to brian's body, but he tries to keep it low-key. and the other one doesn't seem to get away from him, meaning that he's appreciating the phsyical contact.
it's when they both turn at each other that everything seems to stop. they look at one another, and as the smaller one gets reminiscences of the kiss they shared the day before, the other one imagines him in his bed.
it shouldn't be like this.
actually, he didn't care if he'd be in his bed. or on the couch. or over the counter. or wherever it was possible to happen. he just wanted to get him.
"do you want to see my room?" brian innocently asks, before stef could lean in and kiss him. he didn't interrupt anything though, because the taller one was just thinking about it.
"yeah, sure" he replies carelessly. of course he wants to see it.
it's so clean. it almost didn't reflect how brian is, stef imagined it would be darker. but it was rather filled with bookshelves and a lot of books. some posters, some frames with pictures. totally normal.
brian sits on his bed, looking at the other one who's wandering around with his eyes.
he sits near him, placing a hand on his thigh.
"do you want me to put on some music?" the smaller one asks, soon blushing at what he just said.
did he ruin everything?
stef just didn't care. he probably was too high to even catch his words. he leans closer to his head, going for his neck instead, and brian is caught off guard as he finds himself trapped between stef's head, which is kissing along his throat, and his hand, which is caressing his cheek.
he's blushing so hard, his cheeks get even redder as he listens to the wet sounds of stef's tongue on his skin. he doesn't understand what is going on. he doesn't know he is aroused.
"you taste so good... like strawberries" stef says between his skin, making brian shiver from the unusual feeling.
he also doesn't know what to say, as he doesn't want to make a fool out of himself, so he just leans on the wall with his back, letting stef do whatever he wants with him.
in fact, his mouth starts roaming down to his chest, and brian gets the hint and takes off his t-shirt. he lets his hand travel to his crush's head, stroking his hair and the back of his neck. he lets out small whimpers, which he doesn't know, but are making stef hard.
soon he founds himself laying down on his own bed, while the other one takes his t-shirt off too, not because he needed to, but he wanted to not make brian feel too exposed.
that wasn't something that happened often: stefan didn't care at all about his occasional partners and how they felt during the moment.
but what if brian was too shy and needed to be helped in some way.
stef started to kiss down and closer to brian's chest, going even further down and reaching the hem of his pants. brian's breath altered and he felt as if his heart just stopped for a minute.
does he really want this? he wouldn't have invited him over just to watch a movie. of course he wanted this.
he lets him unzip his fly and pulls his pants down, while they lock their eyes. it is when he start to trace the outline of his dick that he completely lose it. he tilts his head back, suppressing a moan which is forming in the back of his throat, now marked with stef's hickeys and bruises.
"fu-uck" is all he can say.
as stef slides one hand down his inner thigh and the other one inside his underwear, brian starts letting out those sounds he was trying to hide.
"does it feel good?" the taller one asks teasingly, though the other one doesn't understand the malicious thought and replies, as if it was a normal question.
"of c-course it does" he answers, his cheeks are a deep hue of red.
stef bites and kisses down his thigh, while he palms his bulge with the other hand.
"oh gooood do something" brian moans. stefan smirks, pulling down his boxers and starting to lick his tip, which was the same color as the other one's cheeks.
as he takes him whole in his mouth, brian lays on the bed, biting on his lip and grabbing his hair, though he doesn't pull it as he doesn't want to hurt him. he lets out small whimpers, which are making stef understand that he's enjoying it, so starts bobbing his head up and down, sucking on his dick.
"oh god do you- do you have a tongue piercing?!" brian asks, standing up on his elbows, or at least, he tries to- as he's too stimulated to focus on his movements. stefan doesn't reply, he just smirks again.
"i see that you're liking it" he pulls away for a second, then goes back at it.
"yeah- i'm almost there" brian struggles to say anything as he tries to catch his breath. having never have this done to him it felt so unusual, but in a positive way: he never felt this good, and as the weight on his stomach started to get too intense he warned stef, saying "i'm close".
and he came in his mouth, as his dick never left him- or, to put it better- stef never left it.
as he's finished stef goes in to kiss him, with his cum in his mouth, so brian can taste himself as he comes down his orgasm.
they pull away for a minute, and the smaller gets to say "thank you", blushing yet again as it was embarassing. you know, thanking someone for sucking your dick. it's not something you get to do everyday.
"don't worry baby, you did so good" they share another quick kiss. "you'll return the favor sometime".
he nods, wanting the talk to stop so he could kiss him again and deep, their tongues doing a dance of their own.
as stef was hugging his waist, he thought, maybe he's really special.
they remain there for a moment, that seems to last ages, as brian catches his breath, trying to fall asleep and stef just lays besides him often kissing him on his jaw.
they somehow fall asleep, half naked, and it's when they hear a car pulling up the driveway that they get up.
"fuck, it's my mom" brian says. "she came back early, i'm sorry".
"don't worry, i had to go anyway. you know, i have to finish that science project".
"i'll try and find an excuse so you can stay! you can stay here as long as you want" he doesn't realise it, but he sounds so desperate.
"there's no problem if i have to go. we'll see each other tomorrow" he leaves a kiss on his forehead while searching for his clothes.
"we can go out sometime..." the smaller one says, leaving the sentence to be a question.
"absolutely. you can come to my house whenever you want. here, i'll write you the address".
he scribbles something between some notes in his notebook, and kisses him one last before leaving his room and his house.

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